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         If I'm honest I don't quite understand Marinette, but she has appeared as a bright, enthusiastic, clumsy, and strong-spirited girl.
I relate to her in the way that she struggles to communicate with others. I felt as if our friendship has gradually grown stronger. Her interests showed her creativity and flexibility in any situation. She sometimes seems a bit immature and to not mind her own business, but behind that I've hoped she has good intentions. Though our interactions I've learned how kind she truly is. She's thoughtful and at the same time a jumble of questions that I have waiting to appear. She makes me question even the slightest color of the sky. A detail I wouldn't even notice having had such heavy thoughts on my mind. She's a distraction from the bad, but that's also a comfort for me.
    When I stepped out towards her she was there with an umbrella. It was pouring rain and I was very much unprepared for the weather. She reached out her hand and protected me from the rain. I was dumbfounded by her sudden generosity. In barely a second the umbrella collapsed over the both of us and we were laughing on the floor. Unexpected things happen. Change does occur. This might've been the first time I had genuinely laughed since my mother had left.
I looked at the sky, admiring the rain pouring above and thinking of how I wish one day I could do this again. Play in the rain without care.
"You know, Marinette, I really don't understand why people say rainy days always have to be so gloomy and sad"
"What do you mean? Aren't you having the TIME of your life laying soaked here?" she sarcastically replied.
"Y'know I think I actually am.."
"I haven't exactly hated the rain, but when you are having a certain kind of day, the rain brings a new feel to it. I love to stare at the sky and catch the water in my hands"
"When I was younger my mom and I would joke around and pretend the rain was snowflakes. We stick our tongues out, not caring about how others perceived us and catch each drop with our tongue"
"Not exactly sanitary..."
They both giggled to themself. Fits of laughter that sucked the air from their lungs, making them breathe in the smell of rain. The both of them felt in their own world. The experiences were unique to each in their own way.
"To be honest I'm not that much of a germaphobe."
"I'll bet"
They locked eyes for a moment, allowing them to hover over the view each other's rain filled hair. Drops that appeared shiny in Marinette s, while Adrien's hair had suddenly become much more curly and bigger in volume.
"You have quite the fro"
"Not exactly.." Adrien felt flustered at the thought of his natural hair being seen.
"I like it. You're as fluffy as a cat"
"Cat? I'm hoping that's a compliment"
"Well, I might be a bit biased considering I'm more of a dog person, but the fluffiness of a golden retriever can beat any animal."
"I bet we smell like wet dog..."
"Agreed.. I know I said I wasn't that much of a germaphobe, however I think I need to get going before I get killed for my current dreadful appearance."
"What? Someone not like wet dogs?"
"That someone is my father and I suppose if he had any kind feeling other than contempt towards an animal, let alone a human being, then I probably be digging myself a six foot deep hole in the ground out of shock."
That was the day I met someone who broadened my world and shared some of my views. It seemed like she was from a whole different universe. If it was a nice enough universe for her to be that carefree, then I would want to be in it. She's one of my friends I  admire for her uniqueness. A special friend indeed.
Adrien left it off at that, not wanting to further into his thoughts of his friends. He would get to see them again soon and that was way better than any experience he could write down.
"Goodnight Plagg"
"Goodnight fluffy-wuffy adrikins!~" Plagg taunted
Adrien wished Plagg would respect his privacy and act more mature around him. It's not like he needed even more nuisances in his life. He knew deep down that Plagg felt a strong connection to him, but Plagg's Pride was too big to admit it.
"I love you too, Plagg"
"Go to hell, kid"

Thanks for reading :)! If you have some confusion let me know. I can add in ** to signify flashbacks and diary entries vs a different perspective narrative if needed.

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