Miraculous Ladybug

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*Pov Marinette*

Today when I walked downstairs the familiar and nostalgic smell of the bakery hit me. Mama and papa were sitting at the round table with a fresh plate of warm buttery croissants, the aroma hitting you in the best way possible.
"How'd you sleep Mari?" Sabine asked seeming exhausted.
Last night I had spent time thinking of new ways to use the miraculous box and spent the whole night designing a new costume for each hero. I didn't get a wink of sleep.
"Fairly well, but I had a nightmare so it wasn't very good quality sleep" I lied chewing the side of my cheek.
You'd think after so many years of lies it would make it easier, but truthfully every time I added another to the list I felt the weight I bear getting heavier and heavier. While it was comforting to know I wasn't alone in this, it was also a horrible fact. It is different for every miraculous holder though and we can't even reveal our identities to each other. Tiki is been a great support and holder of wisdom to me. I take advantage of her kindness too much.
I heard the bell ding as I walked out the door.
My parents waved me goodbye and wished that I would have a great day. Little did they know my days were filled with much more than a normal teenagers would have. I hopped on my bike and headed towards school. I need to get to class on time for once... Otherwise I'll get a mandatory detention on my third tarty and I have already gotten two.

*POV Adrien*
I woke up to the sound of an obnoxiously loud alarm. Through the speakers on the wall I could hear Natalie reciting my schedule and reminding me to always put forth my best foot so that I don't shame the Agreste name. I'm guessing that part of the message would be credited to my father... Good morning to you too Mr. Gabriel Agreste.
I didn't bother to look in the mirror as I stepped into the bathroom. I grasped the handles of the shower and let the cold water hit my face. Lately the nightmares had gotten worse. Most of the times my dreams are just entirely blank. A restless kind of sleep. Very rarely I'll have weird lively dreams in which the second I wake up I lose memory of, but currently my present issue was the presence of multiple nights of a week where I would have reoccurring flashbacks and nightmares. At this point I could not longer tell what was a memory and what was my anxiety fooling me into thinking that was what occurred. I wish I had proof of such, but often the human brain fails to give you answers.
I splashed my face with water after getting dressed and dry, used a special acne cream, and took my vitamins. While we have the money and resources, my father would lose it if I ever asked for help. He doesn't understand mental illness and would probably burst into a spiral of, "You are so ungrateful!" "You are a child, you can have depression" "You can't be depressed when I've given you a home, food, and shelter!". He would lose it if he knew what kind of intrusive thoughts I get.. Or if I revealed how suicidal I can feel. It's a struggle. Just like everything else in this "life" he has provided me with.

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