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Modeling is in my veins. I love to show off in my various designer clothes and pose on stage. At first, it was frightening, the thought of every one in the crowd inspecting your every move, but after a while I grew to love the positive attention and focus on that rather than the extreme pressures. One thing I enjoy most is meeting the different members of the modeling community. I like to get to know those who are makeup artists, designers, show effects tech, and more. I find it interesting how they can devote so much into one show. It might seem trivial to those whom attend, but I know behind each shoot there is a lot of work and supplies needed. Growing around a place of creativity has really opened my eyes to be world around me.  I wish I wasn't forced into such an agency though. It is a lot to take on and I hate the constant crowds of people whom act like I'm not a human being. Like I'm only there for their entertainment. I have to be careful. Every interview I've had was in the control of my father and Natalie. The only purpose I have for him is to make him look good. If I fail at that then I not only lose support and risk endangering myself, but might lose my shelter. I hate this. Every day is draining. Why must something so gratifying turn into a chore? Turn into being constantly monitored? It's disgusting.

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