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Since I've mentioned the majority of my close friends, I should talk about some of the figures in my life. I don't exactly want to describe much more about my father though, since having to recall his rage is not a hobby of mine. Natalie is someone who has been in my life to witness things even my father and I don't know. She's always been there. I wouldn't say she like a mother to me, but she's the closest figure I've got to an actual parent. She has to uphold my fathers rules and make sure to be strict on me, but very rarely if she's in a good mood she will sneak past my father and let me enjoy more time with my friends. I'm glad I have her in my life. She and my father have always had this peculiar connection. Sometimes I wonder what she knows that I don't. Our interactions lead me to believe that there are other things in this household that are just... off. Out of the normal. Then again, how would I know anything of normal? Natalie and my mother were classmates that met in college. They grew very close to each other. It doesn't make very much sense considering how different they are from each other. Natalie is a very strict, uptight, and intelligent person. My mother was more carefree, kind, and adventurous, but sometimes too carefree.. Natalie on the other hand is too strict for her own good. Sometimes I wish I just had one stable familial figure for once.. Natalie helps with more boundaries between my father and I. There's no question to it though, when it comes to whom she follows it will always be my father. She will always be in my fathers favor and on his side. I wish she could see how much that hurts when I put my hopes into her. How I ask of her to help me in this situation. Yet, she's just doing her job and while I have every right to be angry, there's nothing I can do about it.

My opinion: Children shouldn't be treated like adults or expected to be adults. They are not, but please validate their feelings and realize they are a human being. It is not okay to let them "cry it out". They are not at and age where they are capable of self-soothing. That is neglecting their emotions. Children need support in their life and to be taught how to process their emotions at an early age, so they don't think "you need to calm down" or "take a deep breath" is accusatory. Children's brains aren't developed enough to understand certain things at different points in their life. A kid before the age of seven is not going to understand your sarcasm. If you were to spill a cup of water, would you be yelling at yourself for that? No, because humans make mistakes and that's okay. Don't hold your children to higher standards than yourself, nor project yourself on to them. They are separate individuals whom get to be different and explore themselves. It's important to respect other people. Also, please recognize that even children can struggle with their mental illness or neurodivergency long before being diagnosed. Thanks for reading :). Know that I respect your difference of opinion.

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