BOO'd Up

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"Aw, hi Elsa,"
The players brought there kids to trick or treat throughout the headquarters.  I made sure to have the best candy.
"Is it true your boyfriend is Captain America?" Daniel, our Safety, laughed at his daughter.
"We're good friends,"
"But you guys kiss,"
"Mikayla you're being noisy,"
"I'm sorry," I laughed.
"It's okay, sweetie. You want Starburst jelly beans? There Cap's favorite,"
"Yeah," I gave her a bag.
"Thank you!" She smiled big and grabbed her daddy's hand to leave. Oh, I want a baby.
My phone got a text from a potential donor.

Captain 🍒 Popper


You got the energy I like!!!

I'm excited to meet your girls tomorrow.

I'm picking them up from the airport when I get off. 🥳

Can I crash the sleep over?

No, but I'll send you a picture of my PJs tho 😉

Please do. I need something good to look a during these long shoots

I have to finish a few things up. I'll text you later

Have fun with your girls. I'll get your attention at the party

I never had sex at a party. Pop that cherry too, Cap 😘😛😘

Get back to work.

I love teasing this man. We've been doing good. After our Salem date we were in the news again. Someone noticed me and people were saying I moved on from Chris with a "mystery Spider-Man". His fan girls rejoiced until we were spotted out a few days later getting dinner. It's approaching overwhelming so we've been doing night ins which I prefer. Chris put curated the ultimate scary movie line up for me. Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Paranormal Activity. Seeing him the lines is so cute. I'm still working on getting to watch one of his movies. I've requested Not Another Teen Movie. Response was a "hell no". I'll try again soon.

"We finally get to spend time with lover boy," my boys and I went to our favorite sports bar to watch the Celtics game.
"Love you guys but we can't cuddle,"
"So is she your girlfriend?" Trevor asked.
"We both aren't seeing anyone else but we haven't made anything official,"
"You sure she's not seeing anyone?"
"Positive. She's my girl. I just want to make sure she's ready before I ask. I want to do something nice for her,"
"Please don't do some super romantic shit. Jamie already complains I don't do enough romantic shit,"
"I'm already looking for a harp player,"
"What the fuck?"
"She loves that kind of music,"
"Kyrie Irving is about to get 30 points in the first quarter. No more talking about chicks," Andrew said filling my glass with more beer. Thank God my wardrobe for this movie consist of sweaters. Towards the end of the first quarter I got a text from my girl.

Dr. Ariel 🥵🥵🥵

You alone? 😈

No, everything okay?

I wanted to send you my PJs 🥺

I'll go to the restroom.

I got up. I think someone scored but I do not care.

What's Up, Doc? • Chris Evans (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now