Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Princess Madeline had awoken from the enchanted slumber her captor had put on her and was now looking around at her new surroundings. While it looked nearly identical to her bedroom back at her castle, there was only one window, and it showed that she was now in the middle of a forest.

"Good morning, Your Highness. I hope that you had a decent sleep," a voice greeted from the door that was in the room. Madeline turned around to see who was talking to her.

"Mercuris the Malicious? I thought you were a myth! Where have you taken me?" Madeline asked.

"Well, here I am, a real-life wizard that would like to have the honor of being your husband. I have taken you to an island that nearly no one has been to or even lived on for years. I have also trapped you in a tower that looks similar to your room back at the castle on the inside, but on the outside, it looks like an ordinary tree," Mercuris explained.

"Wait, go back to the part of you being a real-life wizard."

"I said that I am a real-life wizard and would like to have the honor of being your husband."

"If that's your marriage proposal, I will have to decline. My heart belongs to Prince Nathaniel of Xebia, whom I know will be on his way to rescue me from this tower very soon."

"If that's your answer, I will see you later," Mercuris replied before leaving the tower and locking it again.

"Since it might take a while for Nathaniel to get here, I should start trying to find a way to get out of here," Madeline decided as she looked around the room. All of a sudden, the closet came into the corner of her eye. She walked over to it, opened the doors, and discovered dozens of gorgeous royal gowns. "I mean, I don't plan on staying here for too long, so I think these could be helpful in some way for my escape."

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