Chapter 5

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As Madeline began to try to find her way out, Prince Nathaniel of Xebia was being served tea by his royal servant, Francis. In his company was his pet terrier, Donny. The royal messenger came in with a scroll in his hand.

"Your Highness, I recently received an important announcement from Katrela," the messenger explained.

"First of all, you must address me as Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Highness Prince Nathaniel Frederick Oliver Gregorious Clancy Humphrey Archibald Leopold Edmund Kristan the Ninth of Xebia. But anyway, what is your message?" Nathaniel asked.

"Alright, then, Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Highness Nathaniel Clancy Humphrey Frederick Edmund Gregorious Kristan Archibald Oliver Leopold the Ninth of Xebia, Princess Madeline of Katrela was kidnapped in her bedroom last night and has been taken somewhere else. But, unfortunately, no one quite knows the location yet," the messenger announced.

"Seriously, my name is Prince Nathaniel Frederick Oliver Gregorious Clancy Humphrey Archibald Leopold Edmund Kristan the Ninth of Xebia. As for Madeline, send out some search parties. Then, once she's safe, bring her to the Castle of Xebia so I can propose to her," Nathaniel demanded before taking a sip of tea.

"But, Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Highness Prince Nathaniel Archibald Clancy Humphrey Oliver Edmund Frederick Gregorious Kristan Leopold the Ninth of Xebia, wouldn't it make more sense for you to come along? Besides, the kingdom has expectations for you and would most likely want you to go and try to save your beloved," the messenger suggested.

Nathaniel accidentally spit his tea out on Francis and the tablecloth in shock. "Oh, Tea Servant, look at the tablecloth; it's now covered in tea. Get that changed immediately. As for you, Messenger, you failed to address me by my full name for the third time, and if I went along, who would keep my dog Donny company?" Suddenly, Donny peed on his owner's shoes and walked away.

"Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Highness Prince Nathaniel Frederick Clancy Kristan Leopold-" the messenger began.

"You know what, forget about addressing me by my full name as it is clearly too difficult of a challenge for you. First of all, send someone to pack my bags because I will be going along on the trip to rescue my love. Secondly, call the royal shoe servant to clean up my shoes."

Outcasts and RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora