Chapter 20

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The night of the ball finally arrived. Paris and Erik waited near the gates of the palace for Sylvia to arrive.

"Sorry that I'm late. I just wanted to look my best," Sylvia apologized as she joined her friends. While Sylvia normally wore pants, she was now wearing a simple black dress with white lace embellishments.

"Wow, Sylvia. I think this might be the first time I saw you wear a dress since you joined our group," Paris said as he looked at Sylvia.

"Where did you even get that dress?" Erik asked.

"Oh, I'm just borrowing it. I'll probably return it after the ball," Sylvia replied.

"Wait, what?" Paris questioned, confused by what Sylvia meant by the term 'borrowing.'

Before Sylvia could answer, though, the royal fanfare played.

"Presenting, her Royal Highness, Princess Katherine of Ilvainya!" one of the servants announced before Katherine entered the room.

"Wow, she looks beautiful," Erik thought to himself in awe after seeing her. It had been less than a month since Katherine returned to live with her royal parents, but as she walked down the stairs in her royal attire, it seemed as though she was raised as a true princess her whole life.

The orchestra began to strike up a waltz.

"So, Sylvia, would you care to dance?" Paris asked as people started to pair up and dance.

"Maybe a little later," Sylvia replied.

"But better sooner than later is what you always say," Paris pointed out as he held out his hand for her.

"That is true," Sylvia responded, smiling and beginning to blush a little before accepting his invitation.

Erik watched as his friends walked out onto the floor where everyone else was dancing and then turned to look at Katherine. The anger and feeling of betrayal he had the last couple of weeks began to melt when he saw her smile and began to remember his time with her.

"Princess Katherine, may I present to you, Prince Kenneth of Serona," one of the servants introduced to Katherine as a young Prince walked toward her near the end of the ball.

"It is lovely to meet you, fair Katherine," Prince Kenneth greeted.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well," Katherine replied while looking at the guests once again when suddenly, someone had caught her eye. For in the crowd, she had finally seen Erik, who she had missed deeply during the last couple of weeks. "Excuse me for one moment," she said before making her way towards Erik.

"I see that you were able to make it," a voice said behind Erik.

Erik turned around and was surprised to see that it was Katherine.

"Yes, I did. Katherine, I mean, Your Highness-," Erik began.

"You don't need to call me that," Katherine interrupted.

"Well, then, Katherine, I just want to say that I'm sorry for how I acted toward you before you left. I was shocked to hear the truth about your identity and felt mildly betrayed," Erik apologized.

"I understand. I was planning on telling you earlier, but then we had to fight Mercuris; I am sorry as well."

"Thank you. It's getting late now. My friends and I shall probably be going now."

"Well, goodbye, my friend. I hope to see you soon," Katherine said before hugging Erik.

"I will do my best," Erik replied before planting a kiss on her hand and leaving with Paris and Sylvia.

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