Chapter 10

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"That was quite the workout we had," Katherine said to the Group of Outcasts while they were eating lunch after training most of the day so far.

"I mean, you don't get super strong in five seconds with little to no effort," Erik replied.

After lunch, everyone decided that it was time to get back to training.

"Alright, how does it feel now?" Sylvia asked Katherine as she handed her the sword again.

"Still a bit heavy, but not too bad," Katherine answered after examining and holding the sword for a while.

"Now, we train you in combat!" Paris exclaimed as he ran toward Katherine with a sword in his hand.

"If that's the way you're going to teach me, here we go," Katherine said as she tried to raise her sword. Paris moved his sword toward Katherine, and she, with a little too much force, knocked the sword out of his hand as well as her own.

"Oh, my."

"Yeah, I didn't mean to do that," Katherine added as she looked at the two swords on the ground.

"I guess we know what we have to learn and improve on."

The horses continued to pull Prince Nathaniel's royal carriage with Bonnie in the lead. Suddenly, she turned toward the water when it was nearly night time.

"I knew having that horse come along with us was a terrible idea! First, it kicked me in the stomach, and now it's trying to drown us!" Nathaniel whined after looking out the window and seeing where Bonnie was taking him. Right at the edge of the water, Bonnie stopped and gestured to an island miles away. Since Bonnie was more concerned about Katherine's location than anything else, she was trying to lead the party to where she believed Katherine was brought.

"Don't worry, Your Supreme Handsome Intelligent Powerful Prince Nathaniel Frederick Oliver Gregorious Clancy Humphrey Archibald Leopold Edmund Kristian the Ninth of Xebia. I think she is just guiding us to the best place," Matteo explained.

"Well, then. First thing tomorrow morning, we will bring out the boat and go where that horse believes is best," Nathaniel decided before going to bed.

"And that is where we are now," Mercuris the Malicious concluded after spending almost the entire day telling his life story to Madeline. "Now that you know me better, will you marry me?"

"No, because you kidnapped me against my will and have plans to kill me if I don't agree to marry you," Madeline answered.

"Alright, then, good night, don't expect your tower to be any nicer tomorrow," Mercuris said before leaving once again.

"I need to find a way out of here as soon as I can. Because today the tower is still in a decent position, but in the next few days, if I don't do anything, I'll be breathing my final breaths. But I'm so tired again. I guess I'll have to find a new way to escape tomorrow," Madeline thought before going to bed.

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