Chapter 19

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"Oh, man. I don't think I've ever had this much positive attention drawn to me in my whole life," Paris said near the end of the feast to celebrate them defeating Mercuris the Malicious once and for all.

"So, Katherine, I was wondering if you had any plans now that this adventure has come to a close?" Erik asked.

"Well, how do I put this? Now that Mercuris is dead..." Katherine began.


"I'm actually the Princess of Ilvainya and will now have to return home," Katherine finished.

"What?" Sylvia questioned.

"Mercuris kidnapped Madeline, who is actually my cousin, when she came of age so he could force her to marry him. Shortly after my parents found out they were expecting me, Mercuris told them that he would do the same to me when I was ready for marriage. Luckily, they had barely told anyone at that point, and when I was born, in order to protect me, my parents sent me off to live with my mother's sister and her husband so that Mercuris would be unable to find me," Katherine explained.

"How long did you know this?" Paris asked.

"Aunt Elizabeth told me this when I was a child so I wouldn't freak out when the time came when I would have to return home to my parents."

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, then. I will truly miss you," Sylvia said before hugging Katherine.

"I will miss you as well," Katherine replied.

"So will I," Paris added.

"What about you, Erik?" Katherine asked Erik, who had turned his back to the rest of the group and remained silent since Katherine told them the truth.

"Well, bye, I guess," Erik said, sounding annoyed.

After the feast had concluded, Katherine, now reunited with Bonnie, began the long journey home.

"Well, I guess we can say we did find a Princess in the first place," Paris joked while watching Katherine leave.

Erik didn't say anything.

"Hey, are you alright? You didn't hug Katherine or even give her a proper goodbye," Paris asked Erik as they watched Katherine ride away.

"I thought I could trust her," Erik said bitterly.

"Wait, were you starting to like her?" Paris accused.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Let's go home," Erik replied before walking away.

A few weeks had passed since Mercuris the Malicious had been defeated. Despite the fact that everyone in the village treated him better, and gave him job opportunities and a new house for him, Paris, Sylvia and Spot to live in, Erik had barely talked, did anything, or even eat much during that time when a messenger came into town.

"Announcement to the Kingdom! To celebrate Princess Katherine of Ilvainya's return to her family, they shall hold a ball, and everyone's invited!"

"Do you think that even means us?" Sylvia asked.

"I would assume so. The Royal Family pardoned us from all of our crimes," Paris guessed.

"Does it even matter? She probably won't even notice," Erik pointed out.

"You've been depressed for the last couple of weeks, and you need to cheer up. We shall go to this ball!" Paris decided.

Outcasts and RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora