Chapter 16

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"Oh, no, we're going to be killed tomorrow, and Madeline's marrying that pautonnier of a prince!" Sylvia exclaimed the next day in the prison cell she was sharing with Katherine.

"I know. Madeline seemed like a fairly lovely person with taste. I can't believe she would settle with a man who is so full of himself that his castle isn't large enough to contain his ego. I'm also surprised that she's allowing us to be executed even though we were the ones to rescue her," Katherine replied.

"And this prison. I haven't felt this closed in and trapped in years. AHHHHHH!" Sylvia screamed as she started to run around in the cell.

"Woah, Sylvia, try to calm down. We aren't going to be able to find a way out of here if you keep freaking out like that," Katherine told her distressed friend. She looked around and saw more of the female prisoners and guards looking at their cell. All of a sudden, an idea came into her head. She started to scream and run around in the cell as if she had gone crazy.

"What's going on? I thought you were trying to calm me down?" Sylvia asked as Katherine was running around the cell.

"People are paying attention to us because we are making noise. If enough people see what's happening with us, the less attention Paris and Erik will get so they can escape," Katherine whispered while still running around.

"Oh, no. They must be treating the girls so horribly over there if they're screaming that loudly," Erik told Paris in the men's section of the jail where they were being held. They both started to freak out as they wondered what might be happening to Katherine and Sylvia.

"That must be why so many people are going to the women's jail," Paris realized.

"Well, at least fewer people are paying attention to us. Let's get out of here so we can help them out," Erik said as he tried to calm down while walking to the barred window.

Erik grabbed a stool that was in the corner of the room and started whapping the bars. Paris did the same soon afterward. Luckily for the boys, the bars in their cell were fairly weak as prison security was rather low on Prince Nathaniel's priority list. This meant they were quickly able to bend the bars enough for the two of them to escape.

"Oh, for the love of everything good and holy! Why are you two girls screaming so much?" one of the guards asked Sylvia and Katherine.

"Sorry, I'm just rather annoyed, and screaming helps let that out," Sylvia answered.

"Same here; we're feeling much better now," Katherine added.

"Alright, please don't do that again. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a wedding to attend," the guard said before leaving.

"I hope that was enough time for the boys to escape," Sylvia whispered to Katherine.

"Hey girls," Paris said from outside.

"Wow, how did you escape?" Katherine asked after turning around.

"The bars here are surprisingly weak. We were able to break out in less than ten minutes," Erik replied.

"Luckily for us, it seems as though the wedding is about to start soon, so now we can escape!" Sylvia declared. The four friends removed the bars on the window in Sylvia and Katherine's cell, and the girls escaped.

"So, what do we do now that we're free?" Sylvia asked once she was outside.

"Knowing that we are now most likely hated by everyone in Katrela and Xebia for supposedly capturing a princess rather than stealing some expensive food like previous times, we'll have to get away from both of those kingdoms and probably never return," Paris guessed.

"Well, actually-" Katherine began.

"Wait, what is that in the distance?" Erik asked, looking up at a large black figure from afar.

"Whatever it is, it's heading towards the chapel!" Sylvia replied.

"I guess we know what we're doing next. We need to get to that chapel!" Erik declared as he began to run towards where the figure was heading.

Outcasts and RoyalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora