Chapter 7

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"Well, friends, today was altogether a pretty good day. But now, I think we should try and get some dinner," Erik told everyone as the sun slowly began to set.

"So, what are we going to have to eat?" Katherine asked, curious to see what was in store for dinner in the woods.

"Paris and Sylvia, you go and try to get some fish. Katherine and I will go get some berries," Erik replied. So the four split up into two groups and went their separate ways.

"So, Erik, you told me a little bit about your backstory when we were in the boat. Would you be alright telling me more about yourself?" Katherine asked as she and Erik walked deeper into the woods.

"As long as you don't try to run away, I'd be fine with it. So shortly after my father was killed in the accident, I was brought to an orphanage. Since I was rather shy as a boy, I didn't make any friends, and it felt as though no one even knew I was there. Then, one day, when everyone was outside, I noticed there was something in the bushes. So I walked over, and hidden beneath the leaves was a boy about my age that I had never seen. He told me his name was Paris and that he was on the run from his stepfather, who had treated him horribly. Shortly afterward, we became very close, and later on, I ran away from the orphanage when we were about ten years old, and we've been living an unpredictable, adventurous life ever since," Erik replied as he and Katherine collected berries to have with dinner. "What about your story?"

"Alright, I lived with my Aunt Elizabeth and my Uncle Christopher. Unfortunately, Uncle Christopher died about a year ago, so it's just my Aunt and me. Both of them helped me learn everything that I know, and I was like a daughter to them as they never had children, and I never really knew my parents. Luckily for you guys, Aunt Elizabeth is out on a little trip and won't be back for a few days. So she'll hopefully never know about me being essentially kidnapped by a group of bandits. What was that?" Katherine explained before hearing a loud crack from a distance. She grabbed the knife from one of Erik's scabbards and held it out in self-defense.

"Oh, don't worry about that. It's only a deer stepping on a fallen tree branch. That happens a lot in these woods. How about we return to the others? I think we have enough berries for everyone for the next few days."

It was almost night by the time Princess Madeline had finished tying all of the dresses together as one long rope.

"Alright, now that I have a rope that's long enough to help me get out of the tower, I just need something to tie this on, and I'll be free," Madeline thought to herself. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Madeline said as she hid the dress rope back in the closet, knowing that it was Mercuris.

"Good evening, Your Highness," Mercuris greeted as he opened the door. "I came here to give you your dinner," he added as he set down a bowl with lobster bisque and bread on the table.

"Thank you," Madeline replied before sitting down and taking her first spoonful of soup. It was one of the best lobster bisques she had ever had in her life. Mercuris also sat down at the table.

"Would it be alright if I joined you?"

"I guess so."

"So, Your Highness, tell me about yourself."

"I want to be the best queen I can for Katrela when my time comes, and because of this, my parents made sure I had a great education," Madeline began.

"That's nice. As for me, I am Mercuris the Malicious. I desired that I would be called Mercuris the Magical. However, after I made one mistake by releasing my dragon Spot onto the kingdom of Saradore, I was given the name Malicious. So now I move from place to place to make sure I'm not killed or captured," Mercuris interrupted. He then went on about his life while Madeline ate her dinner. "Anyway, remember my marriage proposal from earlier? Have you thought about it at all since I last asked?" Mercuris concluded.

"I remember it, and my answer is still no. I just met you today," Madeline replied after her soup was gone.

"Well, then, good night, Princess," Mercuris said before leaving the tower. Once he was gone, Madeline tried to go over to the closet to get the rope. However, she was so tired that she went straight to bed instead.

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