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Lisa POV

I don't wanna speak about the kiss or I'll have to admit Alison was right about me liking Zayn.

" Lisa!" I hear Alison say and get behind me form the line. " what!" I whine. " you can tell us. Just tell me what happened or at least who you kissed?" she says lowering her voice so the people behind us don't hear.

" I kissed....zayn" I whisper. Kelly's jaw fell . Johana stood frozen. And Alison's hand flew to her mouth.

" don't you dare fan girl!" I whisper loudly at them. Yet they still continue frozen. " it was just a kiss!" I say slapping all of their arms. " sure it was just a kiss, eight he most famous guy on earth.!" Johana says finally moving but says it loudly. " shut up!" I say slapping her arm. They laugh


Front row:

We seat down and then Paul finds me and all the girls start yelling. he shouts "back up."

He turns to me " you are Lisa from the meet and greet right?" he asks. I nod. " follow me" he says and we push through and make It backstage.

We go to the dressing room has zayns name on it. " go in please" he says. I walk in scared. " hello?" I ask. " hey" a voice behind me says.

I turn and see zayn in his outfit. " hi um you needed me or something?" I ask hoping he wouldn't ask about the kiss.

He pulled my arms and his body is pressed upon mines. " I like you, Lisa." he tells me " please dont tell me that when we kissed it didn't mean anything to you.". I stay quiet.

He leans in to kiss me again. We kiss and I feel his hand go up my back and then I pull away. " I'm a teenage girl and your like a fucking superstar." I say still tighten in his arms. " I don't care I like you a lot and I need you . Since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I wanted you. " he tells me and we kiss again.

I was he is a superstar...he is gonna dump me when he sees another hot celeb....this is a joke.

I stomp on his foot. " I'm not an idiot!" i say and wipe my lips and wipe off his taste on his shirt.

" what.?" he asks. " dont act innocent " I shout. " I'm not falling for it. You maybe a very attractive man with very sweet lips but I'm not following it. " I say and push him back. " leave me alone ok little superstar." I say and as I'm walking towards the door the blonde guy comes in I think Niall. " hey aren't you that girl from the meet and greet?" he asks me . " yea why ?" I say mad. " tell your's her Alison?" he asks. " yea" I say " yea tell her to call me." he says giving me a piece of paper.

I roll my eyes and walk out.

Author note: you like? Yes , no? Comment or vote? Night (:

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