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I wake up cuddled with Lisa

I move slowly and look at the clock 9am

I get up

Why do I wake up so early?

I go out to the kitchen where I see a half asleep louis tomlinson

"Hey " I say sleepy and he waves "hi" he mumbles

"what you doing?" I bother and he yawns "making breakfast'

I nod

"Where did you sleep?" He asks "Lisa's room' I simply respond "you didn't get her pregnant too right?" He laughs and I shake my head "not even! I'm not going to be a father...yet" I say and louis nods

"Look louis I need to speak with someone cause I need to let this out" I say and he nods "ok what's up?"

"Last night me and Lisa were talking about US in the future and we were talking about getting married and having a family and I-"

"Wow wow wow! Hold up! Your 20 and so is she! Aren't you too young?" He asks confused and I nod

"Yeah but louis I love her and I was thinking a lot about it before I fell asleep. I think I wanna marry her" I finally say it and his jaw drops

"Wait what!" He says shocked and I nod "louis I really love her! I can't help it but to think of our future. We both want it why can't we just have it!" I say and he shakes his head 'no zayn! You're 20! Look first her parents might have a problem second so might yours and third your famous are you sure you have time for a family and marriage!?" He questions and I nod "I know louis but every time I'm near her I just wanna grab her and you know tell her stuff and do stuff that I'm not gonna speak of now !" I say blushing and he lifts an eyebrow " have you guys done it?" He asks and I shake my head "not officially" I say and he chuckles "don't"

I shake my head "ok your no help moving on!" I say and he laughs "I'm sorry it's jus i dont know if you guys are ready for that type of commitment! Can't you guys just be fuck buddies for now not wife and husband stuff" And I laugh "oh god louis no! This is why we don't have talks " I say laughing and he laughs

"I'm not sure it was just a thought I'm not gonna purpose tomorrow so chill! I was just thinking " I say and he sighs "ok take your time to think and talk it with her" he says and I nod "anyways today Ali comes home with NIALLER right?" I asks and he nods"I know I'm exited to see the babies!!" He says and I laugh I know right! I can't believe we are like uncles!" I say laughing a bit and louis nods "I know right "

"So anyways ill pick them up around 3" I say and he nods

I go back to Lisa's room and I see she's still Asleep

I get back in the bed slowly nd petting her head Nd chuckling

"Lisaa" I whisper and I hug her

"Wake up " I whisper and she moans

I kiss her forehead and kiss her cheek Nd kiss her other cheek and lastly kiss her lips softly

She kisses bak slowly and asks during the kiss "who's this ?"

I joke around with her "Harry"

She snaps her eye open and pushes me away

"Harold styles !" She says jumping up scared

"I'm kidding its me zayn" I say laughing and she grabs one of her pillows and throws it at me "zayn malik!" She says annoyed and I laugh "up sweetie " I say and thug on her legs and she moans "no" and I pull her "stop" she whines

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