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This is probably the 30th time I have called Lisa ....not kidding !

Ring...ring ... Ring ...ri-

"Yeah?" For the first time after all those calls a girl picks up "Lisa!?" I ask surprised but happy. "Yeah Zayn " she says disappointment in her voice "Lisa why did you leave!? Please let's talk about you and me...about what we have " I suggest hoping for her to come back "what !? U want me to go back to you so we can talk about what we USE To have!? No! Im so done with bull shit like that ! You and Perrie should just fuck each other because to be honest I won't give one fuck anymore ! I love Harry you love Perrie and that's final!" She shouts through the phone then hanging up.

Each word in that sentences stabbed me in the heart

I stare at the ground. Still the phone to my ear and the dialer sound beeping

"Lisa please" I whisper to myself dropping my phone to the ground and laying my back on the wall and starting to cry



Zayn keeps calling me and I think it's time for him to just know I need a break from this shit!

"Yeah ?" I finally answer

"Lisa!?" He asks shocked "yeah zayn " I respond back annoyed.

"Lisa why did you leave!? Please let's talk about you and me...about what we have " he suggest and tears come Down my face

"what !? U want me to go back to you so we can talk about what we USE To have!? No! I'm so done with bull shit like that ! You and Perrie should just fuck each other because to be honest I won't give one fuck anymore ! I love Harry and you love Perrie! And that's final !" I say hurt hanging up

And I start to cry

I like Harry but I don't love him

I love zayn



"I don't give a fuck I'm going to find lisa!" I yell "no you're not going alone !" They yell at me.

"I'm goin to find Lisa you are staying here guys because you guys are on tour! Ill be back soon I promise I have my phone with me!" I say and they sigh "fine " Niall finally agrees

"Thanks " I say pecking his cheek and running to buy an airplane ticket


That night

After I buy my ticket I pack I leave tomorrow morning

It's eight and I'm almost done

It's a lot of work

But the boys helped

They all leave to get food but Zayn stays helping "I talked a little To her today " he mumbles and I look up "lisa!?" And he nods "yeah but only a bit and it wasn't the most pleasant conversation " he says his voice almost cracking "awee why ?" I ask and he sits about to cry "she said-" he stops to take a deep breath "she said she loved Harry not me" he lets it out and starts sobbing

"Oh zayn! No dont say that! Lisa loves you I'm sure she does !" I say hugging him "no she doesn't she said it herself...she doesn't " he says sobbing

"Yes she does zayn ! She probably saying that cause she's mad but trust me I'm 100% sure she loves you" I say and he hugs me back "thanks Alison but I really blew it plus I guess I'm with Perrie now anyways she wants me out of her way and wants me to just leave her so .." He says but I stop him "don't go to Perrie she is nothing but a slut!" (A/N do you readers know how hard it Is to write that!? Perrie. Is so damn pretty and sweet but since this is a fanfic we need drama but don't take it seriously! We all know Perrie is the best girl for zayn in real life but in this story she's evil k!)

He chuckles "calm down Ali she isn't a bad person" he says smiling a bit

"Zayn please! She tried to break you guys up and she accomplished it look what happened !" I say upset "that wasn't her fault " he protects her "God zayn you're blind no offense " I say Rollin my eyes getting up to continue packing


Morning :




I slam my alarm getting up

5 am

Ready to head back home to find Lisa I'm sure she went back to her house !

I wake up niall and say goodbye to the boys and hug them and Niall gets in the car and so do I

We turn on the radio on in the car after putting my bags in the trunk

(Btw it's only me and Niall in the car if you didn't know )

"Celebrity update " says a digital voice

"Alright so it looks like zerrie is back and Zisa is over! Lisa was seen today at the airport leaving we assume since she got with bags and we tried to get close to her but she had security around her. While that happened her boyfriend or ex boyfriend , zayn Malik was spotted leaving his concert hand in hand with his ex or new girlfriend , Perrie Edwards ! That's the celebrity gossip for the aftertoon thanks for tuning in!" The man says leaving and the song comes on in digital voice again "celebrity gossip" and music plays after that

I roll my eyes "Alison please be careful I want you to know I'm here if you need anything call me ok" niall says worried "it's going to be ok I promise " i say grabbing his free hand

30 Minutes later

We get to the airport and we take the bags in and get everything checked and you know the usual shit...

"Flight 243 will depart in 10 minutes " the lady says over the PA

"I love you Alison please be careful ill see you soon ill miss you so much!" Niall says wrapping his arms around my waist and my arms wrap around his neck and I kiss him gently and I smile "I love you" and he smiles than fans start coming up to us and I sign first two people and I shout over the girls who are talkin over each other "guys I have to go my flights leaving " i say and paparazzi comes "alison! Why are you leaving!"

"Alison confirm Zisa is over and zerries back ! " they shout

"Alison are you and Niall over too!"

"Alison where are you going "

The paparazzi and fans keep following me and Niall helps me get to where my entrance To the plane is "Alison you whore!" One Paparazzi shouts at me "shut up" Niall shouts at them "can't you people get a life " I shout at the paparazzi and they start pulling my shirt "come back " they shout and they tug on me and I cover my face and keep


"Alison don't be selfish share the gossip between Lisa being a slut! we heard she slept with harry!" A women paparazzi shouts .

Oh no she didn't ! She went to far!

"The only gossip scoop you will get is my fist ! Shut the fuck up! " I say lifting my fist and they snap a photo and Niall pulls me back "come on Alison ignore them" he says and continues helping me through while flight attendance help too





THANKS :) <3!!! XOXO

#ripmichellemiller :( she was my friends friend she went to her high school. I only saw her pics she was beautiful hope she rests in peace

~Directioner Michelleeeee Malik

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