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"The way That you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, the way you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell you don-"

"Hello ?" I pick up in the sleep tone

It's five o'clock in the morning

Lol I love that song anyways...

"Lisa !!" I hear a freaked out Niall.

"Niall why are you calling me at five in the morning !?" I ask yawning

"No it's not its ten in the morning "he says

"Not at my place" I whine and he laughs "sorry" than he turns serious " Alison with you? !" He asks worried

I ask confused "no why ? I Thought she was with you guys"

"No Lisa she left to go find you this Morning and won't answer my calls I'm worried " he says upset "no Niall she isn't here" I get up quick and put my slippers on and walk out

Maybe Alison will be downstairs waiting for me to awake and surprise me I thought

I go downstairs and I'm home alone.

"No Niall she isn't here! " I say freaking out

"I called her cell phone but goes to Voice mail like her phones off" he says freaking out too

"Niall please are you lying??" I ask and he starts to cry on the phone "no Lisa I'm not I knew something happened I'm so stupid why did I let her go!?" He shouts crying on he phone

"No Niall don't cry! You're makin me cry " I say tearing up

Too late....

"I'm scared I can't lose her" he says sobbing

"Niall fly over her to LA now!" I order and he sniffs "way ahead of you"

"Meet you at the airport Text me when you get here" I say and we hang up

I get dressed quickly and put my hair up into a pony tail

I grab my keys and get in the car and call Alison and it goes directly to voice mail


"Alison please call me! We all are worried about you where are you please call me! " I start to cry as

I leave the voicemail


I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying in a bed

I look to my side and nothing and my other side ...nothing

Where am i?

What happened?

I get up and I'm half naked

Then I remember

I run to the door and try to open it but its locked

I start moving the handle and start banging on the door

"Help!" I shout

"HELP PLEASE!" I shout and I look around and see a little window and I grab the lamp on the night table and throw it at the window

It breaks and it shatters

I can fit through the window

I dont care if I cut my stomach I'm getting out of here

I look around and see I'm near the ground I'm probably in the basement

"Ill Jump its like ten feet" and I brush some of the glass off with a pillow and then someone grabs me from my waist "what do you think you're doinq?" He asks squeezing me

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