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"HI" I say to some girls and they start screaming "pictures please" a girl asks and I lean in and she snaps the photo "this is the best day ever I got a pic with you and a pic with your girlfriend "she says say happy and I smile "lisa?" I ask and she nods "see just earlier today " and I smile at the picture.

Lisa fakes the smile. I know I Hurt her. I was being mean. "that's a beautiful smile-uh-that-uh you have " I say trying not to sound too in love. She nods "thank you" she starts crying and I hug her and she shakes and than Niall signals to hurry in and I let go and look at her " it's was a pleasure meeting you love " and I wave bye and everyone shouts waving bye

"I have to apologize to lisa" I blurt out to Niall since he's next to me "finally you came to your senses" Niall says and we walk in the tour bus "Lisa " I shout

No answer

"Lisa" I ask again

No answer

I run to her room and everything is empty no clothes shoes her bed made and a letter


Dear Zayn,

I see I'm a big bump on your path who just makes life hard for you. I'm sorry I have cause you so much pain. I promise to never ever Hurt you again and I am keeping that promise by returning home. You will no longer see my face. You deserve Perrie she never hurt you. I hope you two are very happy...ill miss you guys a lot but I don't expect for you guys to miss me back and that's fine ....GOODBYE"

I stare at the letter

Tears stream Down my face

I run to tell Niall


I walk into my room and I land on my bed and I see a letter on my desk

It's says


Oh how I'm goin to miss you! Thank you for being such a great friend and great boyfriend to ali! Always be that way or ill kill you lol jk but seriously take care of her! Have fun on tour! Thanks for helping me remember everything ! I'm off back home I think it's best! Ill miss u way too much tho! Remember your my best friend lol! I love u (as a bro)


I read till the last word and tears come down my face and I sob

Zayn walks in and I turn around the letter in my hand

ZAYNS crying also.

'She's gone" he says through his sobs

Louis And Liam walk in with their own letter and stand in shock "read this " Liam orders and I take it an read it out loud

"Dear liam" I read his first " we weren't as close but I love u because you understood me and you were a very mature person who helped me through a lot! Thanks for being such a great friend ! I'm off and it's for the best but don't think I won't miss u cause I will a lot!


And then I read louis  

"Dead boo bear,

I will definitely miss ur loud crazy and sassy attitude! Your are my best friend and I'm off but I will truly miss you so much! I hope you don't forget me because I certainly wont forget u! You were the best person to be around and it breaks my heart to leave but I think it's for the best . Bye bro ily


I read the last sentence and tears stream down our faces

Alison walks in "what's wrong?" She asks

"The letters " we say and she responds confused "letters?"

We looks at each other and i respond "check your room" and she runs to her room and runs back in with a piece of paper in her hand and she reads it out loud

"Dear alison,

You probably will hate me because I didn't tell you but if I told you, you wouldn't have let me leave! I'm sorry but here is too much conflict and we all need a break! Have fun In tour and ill see you soon ! I love you sis forever !


She drops the letter and next thing you knew she collapses

We run to catch her and I sit her up and we grab water

We grab a towel and put It in her forehead. She fainted

We put the towel on her forehead and lay her down

Zayn sits down and he puts his face in his hands

"I'm such an idiot" he mumbles

"No you're not " I pat his back

"I made her like run away and I'm such a monster " he says angry "no zayn your not calm yourself" I order "I'm going after her" he says getting up "zayn no she's probably gone by now and we have another concert you won't be back by tomorrow if you leave " I explain to him

"I dont care I'm a monster I'm getting her back " be says getting up and than Harry walks in "Lisa left" he says Holding up a heart letter that says in the middle "thanks for being there" and that's pretty much it and at the bottom it says "I have to leave but i love you"

Zayn looks at the card and he gets mad "are you damn serious !" He says smacking the card to the floor "zayn!" I shout getting up to hold him back "why can't she make up her mind who does she want!?" He says annoyed

"I love her "he mumbles nd we look at him "I thought you loved Perrie " Alison's says upset with him slamming the door as she leaves the room

"She thought you hated her now she's gone why don't YOU make up YOUR mind " Harry says mad leaving also

We look at him "please zayn don't leave we have a concert and you need time and she needs time just wait " I suggest and he sighs and exits and louis and Liam do the same.

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