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Lisa's POV

I pull zayn up the stairs " I don't wanna go!" He whines. " stop whining!" I say and we go down the hall. " I don't want to see anyone and I especially don't wanna see Harry!" He says I roll my eyes " and you think I'm happy with what he did!?' I ask him mad. " no I don't think so" he says and I roll my eyes again and we go into the room.

As we walk into their hotel room and everyone looks up to see us.


"Zayn I'm so sorry we didn't mean to annoy you with our song" Niall says. " yeah we are sorry buddy" Louis says patting his back.

" oh zaynie!!!!!" Alison says running to hug him. " are you ok!? Don't get mad please!!!" She says still hugging him tight . I can't help but laugh. " oh yea I'm fine" he says confused but pats her back.

" are you ok?" Liam comes to him and oats zayns back. " yeah thanks" zayn smiles.

(A/N I'm sorry #ZIAM MOMENTS!!)

Liam smiles and then we stand there awkwardly. " breakfast anyone?" Niall says thank god . " sure" we all say. " should I call um..." Liam says pointing to Harry's room. I look at zayn " i dont know do whatever you want " zayn says. Liam sighs and calls Harry.

Harry comes out of his room. He looks at us . Zayn grabs his plate and says " I'm eating in my room" he says grabbing his plate and gets up from the table and passes Harry and goes into his room.

I sigh and i look at Harry he comes and grabs his plate. He puts some bacon,eggs,toast and a waffle on his plate . He sits and we all look at him. He just looks down to eat.

I'm so mad t him. I can't believe he lied to me like that!

I just want to shout at him but I have a plan to teach him a lesson.


After breakfast I go ash the dishes . Everyone is gone except Harry. He comes up behind me and whispers " Is everything ok?" He asks . I'm so angry but in order for him to Learn his lesson I got to pretend to be happy and like I have no fucking idea he almost ruined my relationship with my true love!

" yeah don't worry about it" I say and I turn around to wipe my hands off. He smiles. " so tomorrow we gotta pack our stuff because we are leaving to continue our tour next week" he says . I frown " boo" I say and he hugs me " and I wanted to know if you and Alison can come with us"

Once he says that I start fangirling " oh my gosh really!?" I ask and he nods .

Wait dial it down Lisa. " but I have to think about It and so does Alison because you know since we are having some friend problems " I say . He nods and I smile. I need this plan to go through well.

" I'm off to take a nap ok" he says and kisses my cheek " I love you" he says and I smile.

He goes into his Kim and I hear the lock turn . Cha-Ching.

Perfect now all I need is to gather the others to tell the plan.


I go into zayns room. He is on his bed watching Family Guy and he is eating. "Hiya"'I say walking and sitting next to him. " hey you finished eating babe?" He asks me. " yeah and guess what!" I say taking a bite of his waffle . " first of all, mine " he says and we laugh. " second what?" He asked. " sorry and I came up with a plan to get back at Harry. I need you all to meet me outside in the hallway he is in his room." I explain and he nods .

He gets up and alas Liam and the guys and Alison and we all go outside the hotel room to sit in the hallway to talk about the plan.


(A/N hey guys so im not telling directly the plan you will find out later on in the story )


In the hallway after the meeting :

" I like the plan it teaches him to see what lying can do to us" zayn says and Liam says " i still can't believe he lied." We all nod . " see I always doubted what he said but no Lisa didn't pay attention to me!" Alison whines. " shut up !" I shout to her, Alison rolls her eyes .

" alright everybody got the plan?" Lisa asks. " yup once we walk in there ill start the fight!" Liam announces. We all nod and we walk into the room.


We walk in quietly . Harry is still in his room.

Liam looks at me and I put my thumbs up .

" you idiot why would you do such a thing!?" Liam shouts to zayn. " I never cheated on her and I have always loved her!" Zayn shouts.

Niall looks at me . I nod . He walks in the fight " hey guys why the fuss?" He asks. " Lisa told me zayn had faked his feelings about her!" Liam says acting disappointed. " what!! How could you!?" Niall asks.

Then Alison walks in " yeah this is why I don't like you anymore Zayn!" She says rolling her eyes.

Just then Harry walks out of his room. BINGO!

" guys keep it down!" He whines. " Harry did you know zayn was faking his feelings about Lisa!?" Niall asks Harry. " um..." Harry replies. " will he is a liar!" Niall says. Then Louis and I walked in . " hey guys did I hear correctly did you say he faked his feelings?" Louis asks. " yeah!" Liam says. " I never did!" Zayn denies the lies.

Then it's a huge group fight . People shouting over other people. Saying mean stuff and then Liam shouts " this band has come to an end!" And Louis shouts " I agree!" And Niall shouts " one direction has marked it's end!" And they all turn to another direction.

Now we are just waiting for Harry's reaction.

" WAIT! What just happened!?" Harry shouts for them. " we all can't trust each other now" Niall says. " wait why are we breaking up!" Harry asks confused. " will Harry since to we're right about zayn faking we can't trust him" I add. " fine don't trust me!" Zayn says mad.

" fine!" We all shout. Harry stands there worried. " but guys..!" And Liam says mad " will nothing can save us now unless it was a lie!" He says. " uh..guys...I-" Harry says and Liam says " it's ok Harry we had a good run but nothing last forever. " and we all turn around to leave and Harry shouts " I LIED!" He sighs and has his eyes closed. " what!?" I asked acting like I was shocked. " I lied! Zayn never pretend I just wanted you to be my girlfriend. I was jealous of him having you I never meant to lie I never meant for those words to come out my mouth they just did it was a mistake and I'm sorry!" He says his voice almost cracking . I look at the guys and I smile. " can we?" Niall chuckles. I nod. Then everyone bursts out laughing. " got you!" Liam says and Niall falls to the ground holding his stomach and Alison falls on the couch cracking up. I start giggling. He looks at us " what's so funny!?" And then I actually start laughing hard. " your face ! Your reaction!" I say while laughing. " what!?" He asks confused. " we were faking we were hoping that if you saw how your lie affected us it would make you tell the truth!" I say and he looks at us. " but - I- WHAT!?" He asks mad. " sorry HAZZA you had to learn your lesson!" I say patting his head. " apology accepted" I say hugging him. He stands there stiff as a statute.

" I can't believe that just happened" he says in between are hug. I laugh. " I'm sorry Harry but you had to learn a lesson. " yea I deserved that! But I wasn't kidding in what I said! I'm sorry I was just jealous and I wasn't thinking I wasn't controlling my actions! You guys have the right to hate me I'm so sorry !" He begs and zayn says " it's ok HAZZA we all make mistakes and remember your like my brother so I'm here for you no matter what!" He says and they hug. I smile


Then all the guys start group hugging with them.

Authors note: hey guys :) what's up? How's Erica doing? She left early today in school hope your feeling better. Here is the update to Erica and amiah. Hope you guys like. Don't forget to press that vote and fan button. Can I get 3 votes????? At least if more that would be great!!! Alright how you like till tomorrow bye :) xx

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