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we're at the mall with Waliyha and people come up o us and ask for signature but we try just to not let it bother are girl bonding time.

" so how old are you ?" she asks me. " 18 turning 19 in two days!" i say . " no way!" she says excited. "what ?" i ask confused. " my birthday is nxt week!! month buddies" se says " oh true!! yay!" i say and we hug . "oh my gosh lok! " she says and pulls me into claires.


"oh my gosh" waliyha says and pulls Lisa into claires."wait!" i shout running after them. "cute earings" lisa compliments waliyha as i walk in. " even cuter if u buy them for you!" waliyha compliments her back. i stand there awkwardly. " you know i saw the cutest shirt in hollister " lisa says . "lets go !" waliyha says walking out with lisa and again both of them leave me behind.

when we get to hollister lisa spots the cute shirt. Just then i realized it was the shirt she promised me to get for my birthday. " here! this is for you " lisa says handing her the shirt. " oh thats so cute" wa;iyha says. " go try it on!!" lisa begs. waliyha runs into the dressing room. " im so buying her that shirt!" lisa ays smiling and then sighs. "that shirt is pretty remmeber you promised me it?" i ask . " oh shit im so sorry ali i just forgot " she says with regret. " thats ok" i say .

hen waliyha comes out " what you think?" she asks. " you look totes adorable!" lisa says.

i feel left out...i have to join their convo.

" yeah you look so good in it" i say smiling. " awh your so sweet, both of you" she says and hugs lisa and smiles at me. " but it looks pretty on you" she says to Lisa. " lets be like....TWINS!" waliyha suggests. " oh my gosh!! yes!!!! a million times yes!!!" lisa says excited . " ok so this shirt with these ripped jeans?" waliyha asks . " yes!!" lisa says and runs into the dressing room.


finally my chance to become friends with waliyha. " so how've you been?" i ask her.

wow im stupid....

"how've you been?" thats the best i could do!!!! ughhhh!!!!

" um..? gud i think" sh says laughing. " oh ok will i just want to tell you that you are a very great person waliyha so please forgive me if i fangirl a little." i say smiling and then before she responds lisa comes out. " soo??" she asks. " beautiful " Waliyha says . " thanks!" Lisa says and she goes back into the dressing room to take it off.

" so like I-" I say but then I get cut off. "Oh my gosh!" Waliyha says . " hide me" she says.

She gets behind me. " what's wrong?" I ask . "You see that boy?" She asks and I nod " yeah why?" She whispers " he is the cute boy I met at one of my brothers concert a few months ago in the UK " and I whisper back " you remember him?" I ask. "Duh he was cute!" She says and the boy passes us and she looks away.

That guy was like....gorgeous! Not like Niall James Horan but gorgeous .

" yes!" She says and finally stops hiding. " what?" I ask. "He doesn't remember me! Phew !" She says and I laugh.

" ok come on!" Lisa says as she exits the dressing room.

We get up and head to the cashier. " these two shirts" Lisa smiles. " I'm paying" Lisa offers . "NO!" Waliyha whines. "That's too much to ask" she says . " no!" Lisa says and hands the lady the money. " Lisa!" Waliyha whines. " too late!" Lisa says sticking her tongue out. " fine diva!" Waliyha says and they laugh.


We head to the food court.

" I'm hungry" Lisa says. " want a subway? And this time I'm paying" Waliyha insisted .

" fine!" Lisa says.

They run off to subway....

Again I'm lonely...

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