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Lisa's POV

Me and zayn lock are hands together and I knock on the door. I forgot my keys.

My step mom comes to the door and she opens it. Her eyes land on me and zayns hands.

I bite my lip.

He squeezes my hand.

" hello I'm zayn" zayn says politely. " oh well, hello I'm Patricia." My step mom says confused. "Uh...Patricia meet my um...boyfriend zayn" I say and she smiles. " what happened to the curly hair boy?" She asks . " I told you me and him weren't together!" I say through my angry gritted teeth.

" alright alright " she says and she offers " come in come in"

" what a lovely house you mange " zayn says.

I whisper to him before my mom sees " you're such a kiss up" I say and smile.

" why thank you!" Patricia says .

" so Patricia this is zayn he is one of the guys from the band I went to the concert " I explain. " oh yes will I'm glad you came to introduce him" she says as we sit on the couch.

" will it was his idea he thought it be great to meet you" I say trying to make zayn look good.

" oh why isn't that gentle men-ish" she says and I smile.

" will see I think it's great she has a boyfriend. Aren't you the boy who saved her from th school incident?" She asks. Zayn nods. " will son, you made quiet an impression with me it's just her father you might as well speak with. He will be home soon. Will you stick for a little longer?" She asks and zayn nods " pleasure. "


We walk into the kitchen. So far so good.

We sit down and she starts asking him questions.

" will to get to know you better might I ask you some questions?" She asks and zayn nods.

" will for starters how old are you ?" She asks zayn responds " just turned 20" and she smiles. "If you weren't famous what were you preparing to be ?" She ask and zayn responds " a teacher, English" she nods " interesting! Well, with your entire tour schedule would you have time to visit your love ones like Lisa?" She asks.

" I leave for tour in two days and I wanted to meet you because I want to take Lisa on tour with me ." Zayn says unexpected.

" what?!!" I spit out my water. " LISA! Now look what you done!" Patricia says. " wait are you serious? On tour? With you?" I ask. " that's sounds like a splendid idea!" Patricia says.

I look at her. " zayn?" I mouth to him.

" excuse us" I say grabbing zayns hand and dragging him outside.

" you serious?" I ask. " yea I want to be near you. Why do you sound disappointed?" He asks upset. " look I...zayn it would have been nice to tell me like a few days ago i dont know if my dad will let me!" I explain. " look I'm sorry we were figuring things out." He says. " your mom thought it was a good idea"

" my dad makes the decisions here" I explain. " I'm sorry babe I didn't tell you but I love you I can't go a day without you" he says. I quickly peck his lips. " I love you zayn even though your such an idiot" I say smiling through another kiss I give him.

Just then my mom opens the door and me and zayn are still kissing.

Zayn clears his throat and backs away from me. " sorry ma'am" zayn says politely .

" sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but Lisa your dads coming in five minutes ok" she says I nod. She walks back in. " I hope he lets me go" I say to zayn. " I hope also lets hope for the best" he says locking are hands together again and I quickly kiss his cheek.

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