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" back" I say as I run back to Lisa. She gives me a small smile.

"Sorry I just didn't want her walking alone in the dark, plus it's late" I say trying to explain. "Aren't you sweet" she says pinching my cheek.

" so want to go somewhere?" I ask locking are hands together.

" did you forget tomorrow we wake up early to get stuff into your tour bus to leave?" I ask. " I didn't forget" he chuckles. "Yeah so lets go home instead and get some rest." She reasons.

" wouldn't that have been nice to know! Before Paul left!" I say sarcastically . She laughs. " sorry!"

I pick her up by her waist " oh Lisa!!" I say and swing her onto my shoulders.

"Zayn!!" She squeals.

" Lisa! You are so stupid sometimes!" I joke around. He gasp smacking my back so I will let her down. "Just kidding love you!" I say and she whines " if you love me than put me down!"

" fine one second" I say and run with her on my shoulders to a little fountain.

I drop her in it.

She gasps as she falls into the cold water.

" zayn! What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks

" sorry love I just wanted to see your reaction" I smile innocently. I stick my hand out to help her . She pulls me in .

" big mistake smart ass!" She says and gets up quick and gets out the fountain. She starts laughing and takes out her phone that was saved that was in her bag that landed on top of her not In the water. She takes it out and snaps photos of me and she says "twitter!"

I get up and get out and she is holding back her laughter a little bit now.

" so?" She says waiting for my reaction. " fine post it on twitter tag me whatever I just look sexier than you!" I say sticking my tongue out. " no one is sexier than mr.zaynmalik huh?" She says laughing. I nod.

" kk posted" she smirks.

Just in a few second people all over her twitter start commenting and favoriting and retweeting.

I go on my phone and quickly snap a photo of her looking at her phone and spoof it on twitter : #caughtofguard love u Lisa

I tweet that. And since their is so many mentions ill doubt she will see mine so I ask " hey Lisa look up for a second" she looks I

Show her the pic and I say " I posted it" with a smirk. " ugh I hate u!" She whines " love u too!" I respond and people start tweeting.

Later after that we start walking to drop her off at her house.


At her house

" no ones home" she says setting her jacket down as we enter.

" oh ok" I say

We sit on the couch. And we turn on the tv and Tom and Jerry comes on.

I out my arm around her and and she cuddles next to me. He face tucked into my neck.

" I love u" I whisper and she looks up and I peck her lips. " not as much as I love you" she says as we pull away.

I hug her tight. " can't wait till tomorrow" I say and she nods. " where you're parents ?" I ask her. "work don't come home till 9am" she explains. " we wil b gone by then call them saying good bye" I advice her. " right!" she says pulling her phone out and dials her mom number " her Patricia im callin to say good night and I l love you I will truly miss you when I'm gone " she says through the phone and she starts talking and her eyes tear up " thanks i love you" she says now in tears.

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