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Harry's POV

I go to my room

Get dressed and fix a little my curls

I get out and Lisa comes up to me "you look nice" she says and I smile "thanks "

"Yeah that's not what I want " she says frowning and rubs my head and messes my hair up

"Stop!" I say pushing her away

She buttons my shirts first button "stop being a slut " she laughs and I shake my head "jealous?" I ask "of what?" She says stopping and looks at me "of my body" I wink

She laughs "not even I'm sexier " she says. I gasp "how is someone sexier than me?" I joke around and she flicks my head and I whine "ow bully!"

She then untucks my shirt and wrinkles It a bit "ok stop! That's not fair! We made a deal!" I whine

She rolls her eyes and walks away to the couch

I fix my hair and shirt

I grab my wallet and head to the door

"Bye " she mumbles and I walk over to her "she won't ruin your life again ok? If she does she will deal with me" I say standing behind her

"Sure" She says sarcastically not looking at me.

I sigh and walk to the door and leave

I go to the car and of course paul comes with me and we drive off to star bucks

We head in and I see her sitting

Some people crowd me but I get to her eventually

"Hey" I smile and she looks up at me "hi" she smiles and she stands up and we hug

"Sorry about earlier " I say and she rolls her eyes "Lisa's Always like that. She hates me for no reason" she says and I nod "oh"

I sit with her and Paul stands at a corner

"So um do you mind me asking why you hate each other?" I ask

"Um will it was about this boy and we ended up fighting but lets not talk about that." She smiles "I'm just happy you're here " she says and grabs my hand which is on the table with hers

I smile and start talking


"IT'S FUCKING 9! WHERE THE HELL IS HE?" I shout "why do you care ?" Zayn asks eating ice cream

"Zayn! She's just such a fucking slut! I can't stand her! And Harry dating her makes me worry" I say sitting down next to him letting out a loud sigh

"Babe. Please tell me what happened between you and Stephanie" he begs wrapping his arms around me

"I don't wanna talk about it " I whine and he hugs me tight "please if you don't tell us then she sounds like a perfectly good person" he says and I sigh "ok fine " I say

I inhale and talk "ok back in 9th grade I had a boyfriend named Luke. Him and I were very serious and we went out for about 8 months before Stephanie came in, she was jealous of me and invited him to her party and drunken him and she tricked him into kissing her. I didn't get invited, since she hated me so I didn't go. Later on the next day pictures of him and her in bed together cuddling were up and I literally cried everyday and just wanted to kill myself because my first REAL relationship was ruined. He said he had ended up liking her and dumped me. She used him for stuff like getting anything she wanted then dumped him. But anyways I confronted her and we ended up fighting each other and we got suspended and you know. Every time I had a boyfriend she would do something and it pisses me off. She bullied Ali for being my friend so " I pause as tears stream down my face "I don't want Harry hurt and I especially don't want to lose you zayn" I say sobbing and he hugs me and pecks my lips

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