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Lisa's POv

So me and Waliyha hit the shower while Ali is already drying off since she just came out .

" I'm gonna curl my hair" I say and Waliyha responds " I'm gonna do my usual buns but a little more prettier" she smiles and we laugh. " I'm gonna straighten my hair" Ali says and Waliyha nods " true so I'm getting in the shower" and we all nod " I'm going into the other one k be out in 10!" I say grabbing my towel and heading to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and I come out and Ali is straightening her hair and he wearing this cute polka dot dress (red) with a skinny belt (look it up on forever 21 website lol) . " ok I'm next " Waliyha shouts running in.

I go to my closet and pick out some clothes I pick a batman muscle tee (look it up Its from forever 21 . I can't explain it ) with a black short skirt and some black toms. " I'm changing in my closet" I say and close the door. I take off e towel and dry a little my hair. Then I slip the shirt on and then the skirt I grab my toms and I exit the closet. " cute!" Alison compliments I smile back "you look cute!"

I go grab the hair curler and start to curl my hair en Waliyha comes out and she has her clothes picked out. A Sleeveless tie-hem shirt (look it up also forer 21 website :P) and some white shorts then she goes to my closet to change.

About five minutes later Waliyha comes out

" is this ok?" She asks nervous. " beautiful " me and Ali say at the same time and Waliyha smiles back.

" I'm gonna do my hair in a bun" she says and me and Ali nod.

Soon we finish and I call zayn " hello?" He answers

"Hey babe! Me and the girls are ready!" I say.

"It's 2 the concerts at 7!" He says

" shut up just take us!" Waliyha says taking my phone and shouting into the phone.

We laugh . " fine weirdos" zayn whines.

We hang up and grab our stuff and wait at the door


Around 2:15

A van honks outside and we run outside.

As soon as we get out everyone's eyes grow wide and their jaw drops.

" what??" Alison asks freaking out. "Too much??" Waliyha freaks. They stay quiet " it's too much!!" I assume whining. We then back around. " no no no" Harry says getting out of the car. " wait no it's just you all looked..." Niall says zayn finishes his sentence "attractive" he chuckles " except you wali" he says jokingly. She sticks out her tongue at him " who said you were ever attractive?" She jokes meanly back. " last time I remembered I had a girlfriend you didn't!" He fights back and she rolls her eyes at him and they laugh. " I'm not lesbo so obviously I don't have a girlfriend idiot!" Waliyha slaps zayns arm.

We get in the van and the guys stare at us like creepers.

I roll my eyes and we go to the back.

"If Ed sheeran asked one of you guys out would you say yes?" Niall asks. " yes!" We say at the same time. " no offense to you guys!" Ali says. " will I'm not dating any of you so I'm free so if he asks me out I have the rights to say yes!' Wali says. " shut up!" I say and she laughs. " true!" Ali responds.


We reach the concert arena and fans are outside yelling. "Alright get all the securities ready before you guys get out and get mobbed" Paul orders. They open the van doors and about ten securities get out and we slowly get out and everybody turns their heads and once they see the five familiar pretty faces of the boys!

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