Jennie - 6

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Today's a date day. And hence Wilson's parents have been merciful enough to lend me his Spyder for a whole twenty-four hours. I make good use of it, going for a one-hour test drive. She is a smooth ride and I instantly name her Julia. My phone dings with an incoming message.

Jennie: Hey. Are you done with camp preparation?

Me: What camp?

Jennie: Oh Gosh! Don't tell me you forgot.

Me: Haha of course I didn't. I was going to ask you to help me shop today.

Jennie: I'm unconvinced but fine. Today's Sunday. The mall will be packed. You sure abt this?

Me: Hell yeah, babe.

Jennie: See you in an hour then, you stupid dork.

Me: Your stupid dork.

Jennie: Yup. My stupid dork. And I know you forgot all abt camp.

Me: Gasp. No babe! I did not!

Fun fact. I did forget all about the major event in the plot. The camp.

I chuckled at my phone screen. Jennie didn't send any further messages and I didn't bug her either. I know how tedious it is for women to get ready for a basic movie date.

I planned to take her shopping, then a trip at the arcade, a fancy lunch, shoe shopping, lakeside viewing, and then head over for the movie I booked the seats for.

When I proposed this date, Jennie agreed. But I had to listen to an earful of insults from that Charlie brat. So to spite him, I'm planning on making her stay over tonight. Hook or by crook.


Third Person POV:

Three hours later.

The group walks into the mall. Wilson looked positively aggrieved. The boy holding his hand, however, is bouncing on his feet with happiness.

Oh yes. Charlie had successfully managed to crash his sister's date. What's more, he brought Tiger along.

To prevent Wilson from coughing up his allergy to furry animals, they abandoned his sexy Spyder at Jennie's garage and borrowed her dad's truck. Charlie and Tiger sprawled at the back while Wilson and Jennie pretended that they had their privacy in the front seats.

Wilson grimaced as he recalled the growl right behind his ear when he placed a palm on Jennie's thigh while driving.

Jennie took Tiger to the pet counter and bought a per ticket. Finally, after getting far away from that furball, Wilson could breathe deeply, filling his lungs with much-needed furless air.

'I swear to God, if the next body I transmigrate into has such stupid allergies then I... I... Ah'. "Aah-chooo" he lets off an enormous sneeze and Charlie scampers away in disgust.

"Disgusting shit..." He mumbles before heading over to the Subway.

"Hey. You alright?" Jennie taps his shoulder. Breathing heavily, Wilson lunges at her, wrapping his arms and face sloppily on her shoulder. He sighs into her neck, "I hate allergies. And fur." He tells her distastefully.

She giggles, "I'll make sure not to let him know the next time we go out on a date."

"You better." He threatens and straightens up, smiling down at her.

"You guys! Do you want some chicken nuggets?" Charlie hollers, waving from the distance.

Wilsons POV:

Quick Transmigration: Tame the VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now