Loosing Consciousness

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"Normal" - speaking 'Italics' - thinking(Bold) - author speaking/ author notes <Normal> - calling/ audio (Normal) - texting

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"Normal" - speaking
'Italics' - thinking
(Bold) - author speaking/ author notes
<Normal> - calling/ audio
(Normal) - texting

(Third POV)


The doorman, who throughout the entirety of the previous events, that has not said a thing, pulls up his right sleeve to check the time on his expensive watch.
The pulsating skin of the man unconscious is visibly slowing down as he gets closer to death every second.


Izuku whips his head toward the shouting voice.

Across the room, A skinny man with orange hair, wearing what looks like a beige, striped baseball uniform, is waving to get the barista's attention.

Izuku files through all the pro heros in the area that he knows of, to identify the one waving at him.
Having gained Izuku's attention, he nods his head toward the hallway, before mouthing 'What happend?' to Izuku.

'Slugger, the baseball hero. His left hand is basically a large baseball mit. He uses support items such as a metal gauntlet, and what I assume are pressurized air jets strapped to his shins and lower back, to maneuver easier. He also wears a mask similar to an umpires while on the field,' Izuku monologs in his head, before looking back to the two in the hallway.

Compared to all of the other shit Izuku has been exposed to, the current scene of a drugged out man, face down on the stone floor, dying, wasn't even close to being remotely disturbing. But, when asked what he's seeing, by a pro hero... it becomes a struggle.

Although the uncomfortable situation doesn't seem to be resolving itself, Izuku is adamant on not showing any weakness, so he just shrugs, and goes back to his job.
Slugger doesn't seem to accept the answer, and stands up to investigate for himself. Izuku doesn't intervene, as he is curious how the minor pro hero would react.

He turns the corner, obviously not expecting what appears to be a murder scene.
Being a pro hero, you'd think he would've seen some gruesome scenes in his career, but truthfully, its the first time he's seen a 'dead' body.

He looks horrified. The kind of expression that makes you look like you've aged thirty years.

His stance is ready, but his voice says otherwise.

"D- Did you do this?!" Slugger speaks up, gaining the attention of the rest of the café's customers.

A few occupants in the café get up from where they sat to possibly assist Slugger.

Things seem to be going south fast, until the manager walks into the room from her office behind the supply room.
She assess the situation quickly, before calming down the other pro heros in her café.

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