Chapter 50

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📍Avengers Compound | October 2023

"Hey, Cap, you read me?" Sam was heard through the comm.

Steve stopped and looked around.

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?" He spoke once more while Sapphire saw a yellow portal forming behind him.

"On your left."

Steve looked behind to see the portal on his left side.

Three figures stepped through; Okoye, Shuri, and Black Panther, fully restored and ready to fight. Steve and the revived Wakandans shared a look when Sam zoomed in from above in his Falcon armor.

"Sam," Sapphire looked up to him with a laugh of relief.

As he flew in a circle, more portals began to open all around the battlefield.

Through one of these, Doctor Strange descends. He is joined by Drax, Mantis, Star-Lord, and Spider-Man.

Everyone watched in confusion and awe as more and more people arrived from all corners of the universe, all backed up with forces of their own, including Black Panther and his Wakandan army, Valkyrie and the Asgardians, Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts, and several Ravager ships.

Amongst the sea of people coming out, Sapphire's eyes landed on her grumpy, metal-armed man, holding his machine gun.

Bucky found her eyes glowing as well as her whole body which shocked him. She felt her eyes mist in happiness and mouthed a "Hi" to him.

He smiled at her, waving his hand lowly as his response.

"Is that everyone?" She heard Doctor Strange.

"What, you wanted more?"

A giant ant-man emerged from the rubble of the Avengers facility with Hulk, War Machine, and Rocket. The Avengers, Guardians, Wakandans, Asgardians, and Ravagers take up battle positions. The heroes standing across Thanos' forces.

Steve looked at the white-headed woman who was now behind him.

Sapphire smirked sinisterly, turning to him before eyeing Thanos, "Let's kill this giant grape."

Steve nodded, looking around as everyone prepared.

"Avengers!" He shouted, summoning Mjolnir. "Assemble."

Thor made a battle cry, as does Black Panther, and everyone charged. Thanos raised his sword towards them, commanding his army to charge as well.

Then both sides collided.

Sapphire swished Outriders with the force field and as she tore them apart from the inside. She looked up, seeing Scott head for a Leviathan.

"Scott punched it to the right," She spoke to the comms.

"Yes ma'am," he punched the incoming Leviathan as Sapphire pulled it with magnets to the ground fast, letting it slide down the ground, so more troops of Thanos died with it.

Another Leviathan came in, flying towards her as she pushed it upwards, clamping its atoms before throwing it behind.

"Doll," Bucky spoke to her left, who was tying his hair in a half-bun.

"You really stop mid-fight to tie your hair?" She ran to him, hooking her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her, "You told me to not let go and you disappear. You fucking asshole."

Bucky chuckled at her, burying his face to the crook of her neck, "God, 5 hours and I missed you. You look like an angel by the way. All glowing and shit."

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