Chapter 10 - Doc

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I glare at Xanthia. How dare she just strut in here like she owns the place?! Like she has any idea what's happened to all of us in the maze. What we were forced to become. Images of the people I killed flash through my mind. Martyn. Cub. Ren. Scott. I've killed four already. 

They deserved it. A corner of my mind mutters. They deserved what they got. They should've known not to cross the rules. 

'Now. First things first, I'll be investigating the murder of Xamphe. EX. One of you definitely did it. I'll be interviewing all of you one by one and-'

'Who even are you?' I interrupt furiously. 

'I'm Watcher Xanthia. I won my place here in a drawing contest.'

'You're a watcher?' Grian asks

'Yes. Why? You don't like watchers?'

'I remember an entire server I owned destroyed by watchers. What do you think?'

'I'm a watcher and you can't force me to change that. Anyway, the first person I want is...'

Scar, who's been standing in front of me this whole time, suddenly attacks. There's nothing else I can do except swing back at him, knocking him to the ground. I'm about to go in for  a killing blow when someone barrels into me. I hit the ground hard. Bdubs is there, and grasps the knife out of my hand, tossing it over to Grian. 

'NO!' I get to my feet, still recovering from the shock. 'BAD DOC!'

'BDUBS! WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT?!' I scream back. 



With one last glare at me, the smallest NHO member strides off after Xanthia, and they both disappear out the door. 

'Freak.' Scar spits at me, before limping over to the rest of his little group. I watch him go with disgust, before sitting down again. Etho's staring at me.

'What?!' I snap.


A few minutes pass, and Xanthia returns, calling me to follow her. I do, and we enter a small room down a dark-ish corridor. Inside, I sit down on one chair, facing Xanthia. 

'So. Do you recognise this place?'


'EX was killed just outside here.' 


Xanthia seems disappointed at how rubbish my responses are, but they keep going. 

'Where were you on the morning that the body was found?'

'Asleep, and then eating.'

'Was anyone with you?'

'Yes. Etho.'

'Etho?' She writes down his name. 'Alright. Was this all the time?'


'Is there anyone you're sus of?'

'Not really. Though Tango did disappear at one point. And Skizz went after him... Yeah, I'm sus of both of them.'

'And they were found by the body... ok, thank you Doc.'

'Can I go now?'

'Not yet. Bdubs told me he was also with you when you were having food. Can you confirm this?'


'Good.' There's an awkward silence, before Xanthia adds 'You can now go.'

I stand up to leave, follow out the door. I am left alone there as they disappear, staring off, bored, until Xanthia returned shortly after with Etho. I give him a nod and a smile as he enters the room, closing the door behind. 

Instantly, someone's tackled me to the ground. I roll, getting them off my back and turning to see Scar, grinning at me.



He runs at me again, and I block with my metal arm, kicking him away. He skids, before attacking back. I dive out the way, desperate to escape this murder-crazed freak, before crawling to my feet, cursing my lack of a weapon or plan as I face him. Scar smiles again, before throwing himself towards me. I grab him and knock him against the wall, one foot on his chest, wrestling the sword out of his grasp. He grabs my leg, unbalancing me, and I crash to the ground. The sword clatters away across the floor. Scar picks it up, and points it at me. 

'You deserve this.' He snarls. 'You deserve all of this.'

'Do I really?'

'You killed Cub.'

'He wanted me dead.' 

I knock the sword away again, leaping to my feet. I punch, snatch the weapon, and slice at Scar's front. He backs up, realising quickly that he's trapped. 

I go in for the kill. 

Scar dodges out the way just in time. I quickly free the sword from the wall, turn, and stab at him. He narrowly avoids it, dashing out of range. I turn to face him again. He looks ready to run, freedom just behind him. 

There's no way I'm going to let him survive this. 

I charge at him, and he ducks to one side. I stab, and he screams with pain, collapsing onto his hands and knees, as it goes straight through his arm and side. I quickly pull it put. Blood pours to the ground as he sits there, hyperventilating, sobbing, clutching his arm as the red seeps through. The door crashes open, and Xanthia's there, with Etho just behind. Both look horrified. I dare a victorious grin at them. 

'He attacked first.' I justify simply, before I quickly put Scar out of his misery with another stab through his back. The body lies limp in front of me, and I hear footsteps, turning to see Grian, Jimmy, Martyn, Skizz and Bdubs. 

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Prison of the dead (Labyrinth of Monsters' sequel) A hermitcraft/3rd life fanficWhere stories live. Discover now