Chapter 20 - Grian

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I don't know if I'm sorry or not about the last chapter because Doc deserved it.

TW: (graphic) descriptions of gore

It would be horrifying if there was only one body. 

Even if that was Doc's body, and not the living nightmare that was Etho's. 

There is blood absolutely everywhere. The writing on the wall is never going to leave my mind. The wiring of the right of Doc's face sparks as it short-circuits from his tears and the red liquid. I fight back a scream of horror at the sight of it all, as a door opens behind, and I hear Tango say my name.

'What? Hello! Breakfast's the other way, am I right?'

I lead him quickly away from the gore of the scene. 

'I-what? What happened?'

'Nothing you need to be interested in! You've got enough nightmares already. Uhh... ZEDAPH!'

The blonde leaves the room Tango did, and stops short at the sight of the dead bodies. Eventually, he sees me, and the very confused boomer who's dreams I'm trying to protect from even more gore. 

'What happened? And why can't I see? Grian, did you do something?'

'No! It wasn't me. I found... them... this morning. And you've got enough on your plate already with all the other corpses in your nightmares.'

'And talking of plates, would you like to eat something?' Zedaph understands what I'm trying to do. Tango's still just tiredly looking around, confused and innocent. 

'Uhh...Ok?' Zedaph takes his hand and pulls him far away from the bodies. I watch them go, before looking back at Doc and Etho and trying not to puke. Someone needs to clean this up. I really don't want to, but I feel like I should. But something else stops me before I do. 

I hear what sounds like a sob from the room next to me, and look over at it. Slowly, I open the door, and see Martyn, crouched on the ground, trembling. On closer inspection, I see that he's vomited, and is staring at it. 

'Martyn?' I say his name quietly, kneeling next to him. 'Are you ok?'

'T...they made me do it.'


'The others. Skizz and Jimmy. They made me help them.'

'Was it hard?'

'That's the t...thing... it was too easy... too easy to actually kill him... and then...then...' 

I let him cry, and he throws up again. I don't want to mention Doc and make him even more upset, instead trying to gather all the vomit and find somewhere to put it. I dump it in a bucket in the corner. 

'D...did Doc find it?'


' you know how he reacted? W...was it worth it? all?'

'He reacted badly? As in.... Very badly?'


'He killed himself.'

'Oh notch...'

I can't read his expression. I don't know if he's happy or not.

'Martyn, it'll be ok.'

'I... I keep seeing his face. Just before he was knocked out. He was scared. He was so... so scared...' He dissolves into tears again. Skizz bursts through the door.

Prison of the dead (Labyrinth of Monsters' sequel) A hermitcraft/3rd life fanficWhere stories live. Discover now