Chapter 2: Oliver Queen AKA Green Arrow

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Avoiding Oliver was easy. He was quite busy trying to solve the case and he even met the Green Arrow himself. I can’t believe he got away! This guy didn’t seem to have powers or anything, just seemed to be some kind of Robin Hood wannabe and yet, he managed to slip through Clark’s fingers.

Then Lois got kidnapped and Clark arrived at the scene right before Oliver did. When he accused the Green Arrow of doing the deed, Oliver got surprisingly defensive. They got into an argument, which was interrupted by Chloe’s phone call. She had gotten a clearer picture of the ring.

Fortunately, Oliver had to leave as well. Only later did he learn why. The picture he received from Chloe showed a very familiar crest.

That picture led him to Oliver’s place and with one look around, he located the area where Oliver hid his gear. Upon going through the secret storage area, he found a tracker.

He found both Lois and Oliver on a roof, him decked out in his gear. But at the moment, he was helpless, as Lois had his crossbow. Her intent, he assumed, was to unmask him. Clark didn’t want to do it but he knew he had to.

He aimed for the lights and with his heat vision, knocked them all out. When he accomplished his task, he headed out.

Oliver’s motorcycle was headed right to him. He stopped when he noticed him.

“Oliver Queen,” Clark said, “You owe me one.”

The figure froze and then took off his helmet. He was met with the confused face of Oliver.

“That was you on the roof?” Oliver asked, stunned. “Why’d you let me get away?”

Clark held up the arrow. “I’m not sure Lois would understand why her new boyfriend leads a double life.”

Oliver took the arrow from him. “Or why one of her best friends does the same thing?” Clark’s expression remained unchanged. “I think we’re even.” He looked away, presumably putting away the arrow.

“We’ll be even when you return what you stole from Lionel.” Clark said. This caused Oliver to look back at him.

Clark didn’t say anything else, he just walked away, knowing fully that the blonde’s eyes were trained on him.

Keeping the blonde’s identity a secret was a pain but he had to, especially since Oliver knew about his abilities as well. Hiding it from Chloe was not fun and he hated breaking into her computer but she understood.

Little did he expect to run into Oliver so soon. He was climbing up the stairs to his Fortress of Solitude when he noticed someone already there, sitting at the desk, reading a newspaper.

That person was none other than Oliver. Oliver glanced up at him, seeming amused.

“I didn’t realize I was such a fascinating subject,” he said, closing the newspaper. Waving it around, he added, “You’ve been reading up on me.” But he made no move to get up. “You and Lois ought to start a fan club.”

Clark started walking toward him. “Are you going to tell her?”

“I don’t know, Clark,” Oliver replied, gesturing to his surroundings. “You know, you seem to be doing a pretty good job skating by with this farm-boy charade.

“You can’t be with someone unless they know who you really are.” Clark said seriously. “Trust me, I’ve tried.”

Oliver nodded, as if he understood. “You lost her to Lex.”

Clark looked away, putting his hands in his pockets. Now Oliver stood up, matching his height. He felt oddly uncomfortable at how close he was.

“Is that why you hate me, Clark?” Oliver wanted to know. “'Cause I'm just another silver-spoon-fed rich boy, is that it? Or is it because I'm not willing to play the martyr like you?”

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