Schnappter Eight

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Romedia's POV:

The next morning Nora and I decided to go to Tullulah's. 


"So the Valentine's Dance is coming up soon." Nora lead on while we sat down at a table.

"Indeed it is, are you going to go with Cody?" I asked.

"I don't know, we're still only in the talking stage."

"Well I mean you could try your best to speed it up a little in time for the Dance."

"I think that love will moves us together at it's own pace, so I'm not going to rush it."

"Woah woah woah, did you just say LOVE? Yeah I may be trying to rush the relationship dates a tiny bit, but no where did I mention love, that was all you,"

"I just meant the love gods who will control where our relationship and see where it goes."

"So you think that you're basically puppets for these love gods to control."

"Sort of, but the way that you say it makes it sounds bad."

"So who is going with who do you think is going to go with who to the dance?"

"Well Milo and Veronica are going together, I'll try to go with Cody, who do Wilson and Dustin like?"

" I think I saw Wilson talking about this one gal named Taylor. They do study hall together. No idea who Dustin likes."

"We can do something that I like to call 'internet stalking' and find out."

"Great idea,"

"Who are you going with?"

"I don't know yet,"

"I've seen people ask out celebrities on Tiktok and it worked."

"Multiple times?"


"With Multiple?"

"Not multiple celebrities, but they figured out how to attend all of the formals."

"Which celebrity?"

"Oh you would have never guessed. The celebrity is none other that Mr. Noah Schnapp."

"Oh course it is."

"Oh my goodness, what a great idea it would be for you to aske him out."

"Oh yeah totally such a great idea. Using Tiktok? No way."

"Oh yes way. But if you didn't want to use Tiktok you could always slide into his DMs on Instagram, or you could tweet to him."

"I don't know about that.

"Well you should at least consider it."

"Alright, I will think about it and tell you how I'm feeling about the idea later."

"Okay, sounds good."


Later that day after Nora left I went up to Darcy's room  to ask her what I should do and if I should go with the idea and ask out Noah to go to the Valentine's Dance. What's the worst that could happen? Oh right, I could get turned down and I will be a meme for the rest of my life. Not that being a meme is bad, It's just that in this case I would basically be made a practical joke and be laughed at, not laughed with. 

"Hey Darce," I asked, knocking on her door.

"What do you want? Come in." She answered.

"I have a lot on mind, if you don't mind becoming my therapist for a few minutes."

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