Schnappter Fourteen

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Noah's POV:

It was Wednesday and today I had to fly back home to New York but before I left I wanted to talk to Finn in-person so that he could help me through with what was happening between Romedia and I. On Sunday night I got a notification from twitter that Romedia had asked me out to be her partner for the valentines day dance at her school but then she later deleted because apparently Atlas Jonas asked her out right after she asked me out so the situation was a bit internally messy and I don't know what is going on with Romedia and I but I think Finn can help. I was putting this all off for a couple days because I wanted to enjoy my last couple of days with the cast since we won't be all together at the same time for a while and it was just going to be us with no distractions. 


Finn was hanging out with Millie all morning so I got Finn to go for some lunch with me before I leave to go to the airport.

"Ayo, what's up?" Finn asked when he came to the table that I was sitting at in the diner that we chose to meet up at. 

"I'm having girl problems."

"Oh yeah you are, what do you want me to do to help them?"

"I need advice."

"On what?"

"So as you probably know Romedia tweeted asking me to go with her to her school's valentines' day dance and I would have been happy to go since I don't already have a valentine but then Nick Jonas' son, Atlas, asked her out and she said yes to him and deleted her tweet directed at me. But of course she didn't turn down Atlas because if I was her I would love to go out with Nick Jonas' son because it's Nick Jonas' son we're talking about. NICK JONAS!"

"Okay, okay, I get that you would also like to go out with Atlas but let's be a bit quieter now since we are in a public restaurant."

"Okay, yeah, sorry that was a bit loud. But now I don't know what to do. Do I just let this happen? DO I move on? Do I keep my crush and just live like I'm not jealous of Atlas. In the words of Justin Bieber, 'That should be me, holding your hand, That should be me, making you laugh, that should be me, this is so sad,' What do I do?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you what I should do."

"Well what do you think you should do?"

"I think that I should be with Romedia but Atlas sort of got in the way of that."

"Good point, I think that you should talk to Romedia and ask her about the tweet and see where things take you guys from there."

"But I don't want to get in the way of her relationship with Atlas."

"As long as you play the cards correctly you should be staring clear from doing that."

"You are quite the wingman." 

"Indeed I am, and I take pride in it."

"You go on one date and now you think that you are cupid."


I got back to the place I was staying at and I had about an hour before I needed to leave for the airport so I opened up Instagram and got to Romedia's account so that I could DM her and ask what was up.


Romedia Tommo-Styles



i was wondering if I could ask you about something

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