Schnappter Sixteen

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Romedia's POV:

The morning shortly arrived because I fell asleep quick as a bunny. It was not only a good morning because I had a good sleep, but also it was Friday, Nora was still here, in one week it will be valentines day, and tomorrow at 6 A.M. the fam and I will be on vacation. Except we had a whole 12 hour flight ahead of us. I was really hoping that the school day would go by fast so that I can get it over with. The only bad thing that I could think of that was happening was that I had a quiz in history. History is one of my least favorite subjects because even though the debates were a bit fun, I don't like how history went down so it gives me an ick. I understand why people need to know history, but we should be able to talk more about there mistakes and how they were directly bad, and talk about what would happen if the mistake were to happen in todays day in age. Anyways, I also hoped that the day would go by fast so that I could read and reply to Nick's letter. We had gotten past the introductions stage and hopefully the next stage was the sometimes good, sometimes bad talking stage. Besides asking questions and telling how your day was, I didn't know what else to say to a pen pal, so I things would go a lot better if he were to lead conversations and topics.


The morning was good because I spent the first 5 classes with Nora, then I could stress and take the history test after lunch for my sixth class, and the last class time is normally a catch up period or a free period. If it were to be a free period then I could make some new playlists and I've been  meaning to do that. 


I took the test, passed it, and it was a free period. As I was making playlists I did the ones that I needed to do for specific things, then a great idea popped into my head. What if I made a playlist for NIck? I think that he would like it, and it would tell him more about what I listen to and the songs that remind me of him. 


I made the playlist. I barely finished it before the bell rang. I went straight to the car and waited for Darcy. Nora said that she was going to hang out with her "friend" Cody, so she'll be home later.


I got home, got a banana from the kitchen, and went upstairs to my room to read the letter. When I opened the envelope I got a sense of joy and it felt very nice. The letter read:


Pourquoi bonjour là, that's is French for "Why hello there." I actually have no idea if it's correct or not since I just used google translate but I'll pretend like it is. I would love it if you called me Sir Hurlbutt. Robin, I am very happy with your answers. May I ask what the musical that was made on the island in Greece is? Also, Your celebrity crushes are great, I love them both, too. Max is a pretty good character. But I think my favorite character is Will. Besides your favorite musical being filmed there is there anything else that you really like about Greece that made it your favorite musical? I have read the Percy Jackson series a few times so I think I know some basic things about Greek mythology. One last thing, if you want to add my Instagram it is @hurlbutthives.

Sorry this letter is so short,
Sir Hurlbutt


He said that I can call him Sir Hurlbutt. I didn't notice it until after I read it that I had a smile that was getting bigger and bigger. He definitely has a bit of humor. He gave me his Instagram so I should probably give him my burner account. I will admit that I have one. That's something that my dads' will never admit. I don't know why they won't admit it. I wonder what they have on it. Anyways, I got a piece of paper from my writing desk and started writing because what else would I do at my writing desk. 

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