Schnappter Fifteen

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Romedia's POV:

It was a Thursday morning and I knew what I was going to do today, Ferb. I'm going to plan a whole scavenger hunt to get Tara and Milo to go to the dance together, and to get Wilson and Taylor to go together. I was going to get Nora to help me plan since she was going to go be at my house until Sunday anyways so I can just drag her everywhere that I go, and it's also nice to have some input and opinions by other people so that the idea isn't so one-sided. What's going to happen first is they're going to show up one by one at the library because I'm going to tell them that I need some help studying, then they'll both see the start of the hunt, and hopefully complete the hunt together.  At the end of the hunt there will be some flowers and a little banner that says "cupid has chosen the next power couple, Wilson Yermon, and Taylor Renuel!" There will be another little sign that says, "#Taylson is goals". While that scavenger hunt is happening there will be another one that I'll be directing for Tara and Milo, except they'll be on the other side of town. This hunt will be in the big town forest, and goes into more of the city part.

After school it was pretty easy to finish planning since I used one of my very organizational methods to plan out all the things that needed to be done. I call it, a checklist. So far I had the places that the clues were going to be, what most of them are, where they are, what i need to do to put them where they all go, what I need to get to do make them, and I just have to check to make sure that where I'm putting them is okay, and what the ending clues would be. I would sent them up tomorrow right after school and let them go on the hunts as soon I finish executing the project. 

Since the rest of my day was clear I went on Instagram to look at Nick's Instagram since I didn't get much time to earlier and thought I recognized something in the back of his photos. There was just something that seemed to be familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I guess I spent a bit more time than I had planned to on it since I started to get tired so I went to sleep because I was going to have a long next day.

But I had to wake up sometime, and gratefully woke up earlier than normal, so I could watch something on Netflix because of time. 

The school day went by quick and it helped that it was Friday. I went straight to my car, waited for Nora, got Nora, and went to put my hunts to test.

I started with Taylor and Wilson's first, so I messaged them and told them to meet me at the library to help me study. After sending that text Nora and I headed out to the forest and got to our second part of the work. This one took us longer because there was a bit more traveling so we probably should have started with theirs, but we didn't and it will all work out. We finished and got out of the scene so that they could come and figure it out themselves. 


It had been about half an hour since Nora and I had finished setting up the last scavenger hunt and we were eating some early dinner when I got a text from Wilson that they had finished the hunt. Nora and I headed on over to the ending spot.

"Congrats on completing the scavenger hunt that I made! I hope you had fun doing it together and I also hope that you two will be going tot he dance together later. Are you?" I asked.

"Yep!" They both answered.

"Yay! My plan worked, and you two will be the cutest couple at the dance, it's a win win!"

"I'm sure that you and Noah will be cute at the dance, too! Wilson pointed out.

"We will definetly be looking great, but we aren't a couple."


"You know that we aren't!"

"Whatever you say."

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