Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey Everyone! Just some notes before we get into the story...

In this universe, Voldemort died when he tried to kill Harry, so there will be no resurrection of the Dark Lord.

There are also mentions of assault (on children), so you have been warned.

Please read and review. I love reading reviews because it helps motivate my writing, while other reviews help me become a better writer.

Please follow and continue reading the story when updated. It's a pretty cool story! :) I plan on updating once or twice a week. The story is already written so need to fear about long hiatus's. There will be 12 chapters in total.

Disclaimer: Most of these beautiful characters belong to the talented J.K. Rowling. I have only borrowed them. ;)



Olivia Grey was four years old when her parents were murdered. She was hiding in a cabinet when Lucius Malfoy came strutting into her parent's home and cast a curse she would never forget: Imperio. Her parents lost the spark they always had in their eyes, picked up their car keys, and followed him out the door. Olivia, too afraid Lucius would come back for her, stayed in the cabinet all night until the Royal Ulster Constabulary came in the morning with news: her parents had driven off a cliff. Everyone said it was an accident, but she knew the truth.

    She was shipped off to her uncle in England, the man responsible for her parents' deaths. Lucius did not know that his sister had a child; otherwise Olivia would be dead alongside her parents. When she showed up on his doorstep, he scoffed and then told Narcissa to put it in the attic, as if she was nothing more than a trinket kept on a shelf.

    The attic was no more than five meters by five meters square, with a small window that opened. Narcissa cleared all the junk from the room with a swoop of her wand. With another swoop, a bed, dresser, desk, and a small bookcase appeared. Then a wall appeared, with a toilet, sink, and shower. "The House-elves will take care of your laundry and I will send my old clothes that are utterly out of season."

"Dobby," Narcissa called out and he appeared in a crack.

"How may Dobby serve the Mistress?"

    Narcissa turned to Olivia. "If you need anything you will call Dobby and he will get it for you. You are allowed out of this room for two hours every day. You may go outside or the library. Dobby will show you how to get there. You can take any book from the library up here to read but make sure you return it. Any questions?"

"What about food?"

    "After we have our meal downstairs, the leftovers will be sent up here for you to eat. To make myself clear, no one wants you here. Stay silent and follow the rules and nothing bad will happen."

"Yes ma'am."

Narcissa strutted out of the room then locked the door behind her.

"What is the New Mistress's name?

    "Oh, my name is Olivia Grey. It is nice to meet you, Dobby. Is there any way I can get a sewing machine, it seems I am mending my own clothes from now on."

    "Of course Mistress Olivia," and Dobby apparated out of the room with a crack.


Olivia broke the rules for the first time when she was five years old, a few days after her birthday. Her curiosity got the better of her and explored parts of the Manor she was banned from. Lucius found her and then dragged her into his study. He pulled out his cane and it morphed into a whip.

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