Chapter 7

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"Hey Kitten." Fred opened up the compartment door to find Olivia reading this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.

Olivia stiffened at the noise. "Oh hey, Fred. I see you didn't take my advice and forget me over summer."

"Oh come on you know I never listen," he said sitting down next to her. "What the hell happened to your eye?" he demanded, grabbing her face.

"Let go of me first," she replied.

"Sorry," he said, pulling his hands away. "Weasley temper. So what happened?"

Draco had gotten more violent over the summer. If he ever saw Olivia in the hallways or the library he would smack her or punch her. Olivia knew if she retaliated she would get punished so she just tried to avoid him. However, they saw each other on the way to Platform 9¾ and she didn't hide fast enough.

"Oh, I just tripped onto my dresser in my last-minute haste to get everything packed. You know how it is," she quietly laughed. "Where's everyone else?"

"I don't know. I think they'll be coming soon."

"I'll go find them," she said, rushing out of the compartment.

On her search, she saw Professor Lupin sleeping in the compartment with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. "Hey guys, is that Professor Lupin?" she asked, opening the compartment.

"Yeah, he is. Why?"

"No reason. I know he's going to be one of the best teachers you've ever had. And Harry, ask him about your father, he'll know a thing or two," Olivia said, smiling at the slight twitch of Lupin's lips.

"Okay thanks for the advice," Harry replied, smiling at the thought of his father.

"How do you know everything?" Ron accused.

"Well, Ron I read. Everything I can get my hands on. I just like to say that's a fancy rat you have there. How long have you had him?"

"Twelve years."

"And he's missing a toe right?"

"Yeah, he is. Why do you want to know?"

"I just think it's fascinating information. And if Professor Lupin was awake, he might find it enlightening as well. What was his name again? Wormtail?"

"No, it's Scabbers," Hermione interrupted. "You're a strange girl."

"That I am, Hermione. That I am."

Olivia continued on and found Angelina and George at the trolley. "Hey lovebirds," she said.

"What? We aren't-" Angelina stuttered. "What happened to your eye?"

"Fell while packing. Anyways. Fred found a compartment for us so if you see anyone else you can let them know. And can you buy me a bar of chocolate? I don't have any money on me."

"Sure, whatever for? You don't eat chocolate. Also, I know you didn't fall. You can navigate the halls of Hogwarts while reading a book."

"It's fine Angelina, and the chocolate is a gift."

"For who?" George cooed.

"Professor Lupin."

"You're no fun."

"I know. Thanks for the chocolate. I'll see you in our compartment."


    "Miss Grey, can I speak to you after class?"

    "Sure Professor."

    After class Olivia walked up to Professor Lupin's desk and set the bar of chocolate on it.

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