Chapter 4

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"Did you hear the famous Harry Potter was coming to Hogwarts this year?" Alicia asked once the girls got situated in their compartment on the train.

"Yeah I did," Olivia responded.

"Of course you did. Is there anything you don't know?" Alicia scoffed.

"Uhhh that is yet to be determined," she replied sheepishly.

"I bet you aren't able to become an animagus. There are only seven registered animagi," Patricia said, daring Olivia to respond.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" Olivia winked.

"Wait seriously?" Angelina asked, eyebrows raised.

"I can neither confirm nor deny anything. I will only say that I am very fond of cats," she replied vaguely.

"How are you not at the top of our class?" Patricia asked, shocked.

"I guess there are few things I don't know," Olivia replied, smirking.

Angelina smiled because she saw that the summer didn't break Olivia as the other summers had before. Changing the subject, she asked Alicia, "Do you think you'll make the quidditch team this year Alicia?"

"Definitely. Kae and Wilfred have graduated and I was a substitute last year so unless there are bloody amazing second years that position is mine. I heard Katie Bell was also trying out and I believe she will get the final Chaser spot. The only position I don't know about is Seeker, I haven't heard of anyone taking an interest," Alicia explained.

"Oliver is captain right?" Patricia asked.

"Yeah, he is."

"He's cute isn't he?" she continued.

"And gay," Olivia blurted out.

"What?" the other three girls screamed, swiveling their heads to turn towards Olivia. "And how were you able to figure that out?" Patricia asked.

"I believe he is secretly snogging Percy Weasley in broom cupboards around the school. I thought the only ones who didn't know were their parents," Olivia explained.

"No, just you," Alicia scoffed. "For someone who seems to remain invisible except to the three of us, you sure know a lot of the gossip that goes around this school. Not just rumors though, you just know everything about everyone."

"It's because I am invisible that I seem to see everything that goes on around this school," Olivia replied sheepishly.

"Hah, you are one weird girl Olivia. You are probably the smartest girl at this school but you aren't even mentioned as top of our class. You could probably even be one of the most popular girls but you remain invisible, even to the boys of our year. You also act way older than your age. You came to this school already acting like an adult. And I haven't met anyone who keeps more secrets than you," Angelina remarked.

"Dumbledore does," Olivia whispered quietly.

"Okay, I haven't met any students who keep more secrets than you."

"It's for your safety. Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go for a walk," Olivia said quickly and rushed out of the compartment.

The other three girls just sighed. "Who's going after her?" Patricia asked.

"I'll go," Angelina volunteered, who was usually the most sympathetic towards Olivia's issues.

"Hey Olivia," she called out before Olivia got the chance to get very far. Recognizing the signs of a panic attack, she called out "Count down from thirty in increments of three for me please."

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