Chapter 9

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Lucius left Olivia alone for the first three days before he caught her in the library and dragged her to his office. "Draco has told me that you have been slumming with Blood Traitors. Now that has violated our deal and I cannot allow that."

"Then whip me again, it won't stop me."

"I've had enough of your insolence you brat. Crucio!"

Olivia fell to the ground, screaming out in pain. By the time Lucius let up, she had passed out, with tear streaks streaming down her face. She woke up in her room, her body on fire, bruises on her back from where Lucius dragged her up the stairs. "Well shit. This is going to be a long summer."

She went over to her window and looked down. Over the years, she thought about falling out that window but she always chickened out. Now all she could think about is Fred's words: "You're worth it." She repeated these words over and over, stepping away from the window and laying down on her bed.

"I'm not going to break." She decided she was going to strengthen her body and mind through meditation and working out. "I'm done getting shot down by him. It's my time to fight."

Olivia spent the summer getting tortured every few days and spent the remainder of the time strengthening her body and mind. By the tenth Cruciatus Curse cast on her, she barely felt the pain. When she felt like giving up she wrote a letter to Fred to remind herself she has something worth living for.

Lucius banned her from the library, hoping to break her. She spent her free time writing letters to Fred, writing everything from her childhood to how she felt for the day. She also drew all her friends, mostly Fred, getting the paper from the House-elves, when they brought up food.

By the end of summer, she had told her entire life story in her letters to Fred. She ended every letter the same way: "I love you, Fred. Always and Forever. Olivia Grey."


Fred found Olivia reading the Potions textbook on the train. "Hey Kitten, long time no see. Good summer?"

"Fred!" she called out, dropping her book and rushing into his arms.

Fred was shocked about the public display of affection but hugged her back. "Have you been working out this summer? You seem stronger."

"Oh yes. I have. The Cruciatus Curse is a really good motivator to work out. I think I can beat you at an arm-wrestling match," she said, releasing him.

Fred's face went deadly. "The Cruciatus Curse?"

"Oh yeah. Don't worry it doesn't hurt by like the tenth time," Olivia reassured, slowly backing away.

"Tenth time?" he asked, following her father into the compartment.

"Are you going to keep repeating what I say?"

"Olivia Grey how in bloody fuck are you not in St. Mungo's right now? People have gone crazy or even died from less exposure to the Cruciatus Curse and you seem fine," he demanded, his voice getting louder as he continued.

"You," she said quietly.

Fred stopped advancing. "What?"

"Every time I thought of giving up I thought of what would happen to you. When I was sent back to my room I would write a letter to you and I fought to live another day."

"What- Why me? I'm not anyone special. Why am I the reason? Like I love you but-"

"Fred, you not only taught me that loving someone is not a flaw. You taught me that I can love myself. For that, you are special in every way," she interrupted. "I love you."

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