Chapter 12

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Sirius and Olivia headed out to Gringotts after lunch. "Excuse me, sir?"

"How can I help you?" the goblin asked, looking down at the pair.

"I would like to see my vault if I have one of course," she requested politely.

"Name and wand please."

"Olivia Kallisto Grey," she responded, handing him her wand.

"There does not seem to be a vault under the name Grey. Mother and Father's name." He examined the wand, handing it back to her.

"My father's name is Darragh James Grey and my mother is Elenora Cassiopeia Grey nee Malfoy."


"What is it?" Sirius asked.

"It seems your mother has left you the Malfoy fortune once you become of age, which is today if the notes are correct," Gurrack explained.

"I own the entire Malfoy fortune," Olivia squeaked, before clearing her throat.

"There is a small portion that belongs to Draco Lucius Malfoy when he becomes of age."

"Sirius, what do I do with all this money?"

"Pay people to take care of it and meet with them twice a year to make sure you aren't getting robbed," Sirius answered.

"Can I bring my guest with me to the vault?" she asked.

"Wand, Mr. Black." After examining the wand, he nodded at Olvia, handing the wand back to Sirius.

"Vault 704. Wand please." Taking the wand, he dragged it down the door, then placed his hand on it, unlocking the vault.

"Holy shit," Sirius and Olivia muttered in unison/

"Is all of this mine?" SHe asked, gaping at the piles of treasure before her.

"Yes, after your mother's death, this was left for you. Additionally, as the Malfoy heir, you also have access to all other Malfoy assets."

"How is that possible?" Sirius asked. "Usually in pureblood families, the firstborn male gets the entire fortune. How is it possible that Olivia is the heir?"

"The laws regarding the Malfoy fortune were changed months before the death of Elenora Grey nee Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy has been unable to change them since."

"Thank you for everything. One last thing, can I withdraw 1000 galleons?"

"That can be arranged."

"Thank you for all your help Mr.-"


"Thank you Mr. Gurrack." On the way out Olivia whispered to Sirius, "Am I richer than you now?"

"In your dreams Junior," he whispered back.

"With the Potter fortune, do we own two-thirds of Gringotts?"

"I believe so. Why? Planning something devious?"

"Always Black. You do realize, with the adoption of Harry and the soon-to-be the adoption of me. We are the most powerful family in the Wizarding world."

"Let's head to the Ministry real quick and make it official," Sirius said excitedly.

"Okay. We just need to be at Hogwarts for dinner. I would love to make a grand entrance."



"Hey Fred check this out," George exclaimed.

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