Chapter 6

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"Weasley!" Angelina screeched coming down the stairs in a Slytherin uniform.

"Yes?" Fred and George asked, looking up from Wizard's chess. "Nice robes Angie," George remarked.

"How did you get into my room?" she demanded.

"We are completely innocent," Fred said.

"Then who did it? Was it Lee? Did he finally figure out I won't go out with him and isn't happy about it?"

"No, of course not. No boys are allowed up those stairs. How could any of us possibly do anything?" George asked, his eyes twinkling.

"Can you at least help me turn them back to normal? Now everyone is going to think I have been shagging Slytherins."

"Poor you," Fred pouted.

"Hey, Fred, which one do you think she's shagging? Adrian Pucey?"

"No, it must be Cassius Warrington."

"Boys! This is not helping!"

Fred and George ignored her. "Warrington? Nah. Miles Bletchley."

"No, it can't be him. His last name sounds like barf. It's definitely Graham Montague."

"He's the ugliest one of the bunch!" she exclaimed. "You must have done something. No one else does this kind of thing."

"You should ask your 'friend' Angie," Fred said, with air quotes around "friend."

"Bloody hell. Olivia did this?"

"Wait, she actually exists?" George asked. "Fred! How dare you keep this secret from me? You've broken the twin code."

"October 28, 1990."

"Ugh fine, we're even."

"Yes, she did this. She wasn't very happy you spilled her secret. I am not as dumb as you think you know. And you are a terrible liar. Oh and it was Lee's idea, he is a bit bitter so you might want to avoid him."

"Can you help me fix this?"

"Uhhh no. I don't even know how she pulled it off. All she said was to leave it to her," Fred explained.

"Ugh!" she pouted and stormed back upstairs.

"So, this Olivia girl actually exists?" George asked after watching Angelina storm up the stairs.

"Yeah but I can't bloody find her," he replied pouting. "She is nowhere to be found."

"You good there mate?"

"No, I am not good here George. She said if she was seen conversing with a Weasley we are both dead. Then I see her in the hospital and we have a wonderful conversation. She went around a corner and disappeared. Again! And now I can't find her. It's like she never existed in the first place."

"Well, I am not entirely sure she actually exists? Did you ever actually get your head checked? Have you checked the map?"

"You heard Angelina. She does exist. And yes I've checked the bloody map. Everytime I-"

"You good there boys?" Alicia interrupted, coming into the common room.

"Ah, Alicia. Perfect. Where is Olivia Grey?" Fred asked.

"Uhhh who?"

"Ugh, not you too. Long black wavy hair? Green eyes that sometimes look like they glow like a cat? Five-foot four? Really sassy?"

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