Chapter 8

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Olivia was walking out of Transfiguration class when she was yanked into an empty classroom.

"What do you want, Fred? I've got class to go to," Olivia said, trying to leave.

"Why have you been ignoring me all week? What happened over break?"

"Nothing," she muttered. "I've been ignoring you so maybe you get the lesson and leave me alone. I'm just trying to protect you."



"You think I haven't noticed the scars on your back. You think I don't know your black eye at the beginning of the year was from a fist. You are not clumsy. I've seen you navigate the halls of Hogwarts without ever looking up from your book."

"How did you find out about my scars?" she asked, eyes flashing.

"Angelina told me."

"She shouldn't have told you. It wasn't her secret to tell."

"It shouldn't be a secret at all because they never should've existed. You shouldn't even have scars on your back. Do you like being punished?"

"No, I don't like it. Why would I ever like being punished? But I would take a slap, punch or hell, even a whip if it means you remain unscathed," Olivia bit back.

"Why do you care so much about me? Why are you so hell-bent on protecting me?! Why Olivia?!?" Fred demanded.

"BECAUSE I'M FUCKING IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Olivia exploded, shocking Fred silent. "Shit," she muttered to herself once she realized what she said.

Fred continued to stand there frozen. "Fred?" she asked quietly. "Are you going to say something?

Fred strode up to her, grabbed her face, leaned down, and kissed her. It didn't take long before she kissed him back. Fred's back hurt from leaning down so he picked her up and leaned her against the door for support. Olivia was too wrapped up in the kiss to notice the move.

Fred pulled back. "Bloody hell," he muttered, leaning his head against hers.

"I know," she sighed back. "You can put me down now."

"Oh right, sorry. You're short."

"Or maybe you're just tall," she retorted.

"Of course I'm tall. You're still short," he smirked.

"Oh shut up."


"Wait. No. No. We need to talk."

"More rules?"

"No. Maybe? I don't know. You've thoroughly addled my brain and I have no plans for this. I don't know what to do."

"Thank you. It is quite an accomplishment to render you senseless."

"Oh shut up and let me think. What the hell are we supposed to do?"

"What do you mean? I would have hoped I swayed you into thinking that you can actually trust me to protect you."

"Fred. I trust you with my life. It's the rest of the world that can go to hell. And for that, the same rules apply as before. Just with more touching," she smiled shyly.

"I can get behind that," he laughed before leaning down and kissing her again.


"I see you found the map Professor," Olivia said after everyone left.

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