Chapter 11

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Everyone spent New Year's day heading back to the castle, and now they are eating dinner and planning Olivia's birthday party. Fred was planning a surprise party for her and sent Alicia and Patricia to distract her, while he planned it with Angelina. He had just finished writing it down when he saw Angelina asleep in front of him. Before he could get up and help her to the common room, he fell asleep too.

Olivia woke up hours later in the hallway in front of the Great Hall with a Draco staring down at her.

"What's happened? Draco? What are you doing here?" Olivia asked, disoriented.

"You broke Father's rules and now you have to face the punishment," Draco sneered.

"What did you do?" Olivia demanded, pulling out her wand and standing up.

"I've obliviated them of course. That's what happens when you disobey Father," Draco said proudly. "I'm surprised you didn't notice the sleeping draught in the pumpkin juice."

"Everyone?" Olivia asked, her voice scary calm.

"Every teacher and student, except Slytherins of course. I would never harm my own house. It is like you have never even been to this school. I am quite proud of my work. You know I have always excelled at charms. I would be top of my class if it wasn't for the stupid mudblood girl Granger," Draco boasted.

"Second in your class?" She scoffed. "If it wasn't for a deal I made with the teachers first year, I would be top of my class. I got O's on all twelve OWLS last year, without even taking all the classes. Your threats won't work on me," Olivia said, her eyes fully transformed into her animagus form.

Draco finally realized his position. The punishment didn't break Olivia. "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you upset?"

"You have been taught to believe that I am a weak and broken girl." She laughed. "You see, threats only work on someone who has something to lose." She non-verbally disarmed him. "Now thanks to you, I've lost it all. Incarcerous."

"Let me go halfbreed!" Draco called out, trying to get out his restraints.

Olivia just laughed. A few minutes later she came back with a vial of Veritaserum she nicked from Snape's stores. Then she wrote a note:

Draco Malfoy is currently residing in the hallway outside tied up. Do not worry about him, he's fine. However, if you are confused as to why everyone was asleep in the Great Hall, I recommend giving Draco Malfoy some Veritaserum and asking him about the incident, if it is allowed of course. You should specifically ask about Olivia Grey and Obliviation. I will be back once I figure out how I'm going to proceed after this new predicament.

P.S. Please accept my apologies Professor Snape for raiding your Potion Stores.

Sincerely, Your Favorite Forgotten Student.

"Grey you can't just leave me like this," Draco pleaded.

"Don't worry, this is nothing compared to what's coming to your father." She flicked her wand and Draco was gagged, muffling his pleas. Then, she took a deep breath and opened the Great Hall doors.

On her way to the front table, she passed by Fred. "I'll come back for you Fred," she whispered, kissing his forehead. She put the note on the table and apparated to the first palace she could think of: the Burrow.

"Mrs. Weasley," she called out, knocking on the door.

Luckily Mrs. Weasley was a midnight snacker and was already downstairs with a cup of tea. She opened the door, "Olivia dear, is that you? What are you doing here?"

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