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Harry didn't know how to act around Louis, they haven't talked since he left. He always managed it to go before the older would be with them. Currently, he and Niall were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. They were trying to study but it was way too loud to concentrate, Harry was rereading this text for the fourth time now.

"Can't we just study in the library like everyone else too?"

"No, I'm hungry and I don't want to get into another argument with Mrs brown for eating in the library."

"We can go to my house." They had no more lessons anyway.

"Only if you have pizza." Harry rolled his eyes and packed his stuff. Sure he had pizza, it was what he had as dinner half of the week. "Where is Louis by the way?" Niall asked plugging in his seatbelt, as if Harry would know. "I don't know wasn't he with you?"

"No, I barely have seen him since the party, and if I caught him he was acting weird." Harry just shrugged as an answer, his thoughts pulled him back to Louis and his brown hair that laid across his forehead, and the way he had looked him in the eyes.

So deep and clear like the ocean. "... and they always put extra cheese on top." Niall finished his sentence. "Are you even listening?"

"Uhm, yes." He lied but at the way Niall had raisen his browes he gave in. "No, sorry I had something on my mind." The car stopped and the two boys entered Harry's house. "Wow this is huge, how can you pay this alone??" Niall looked around amazed after he had kicked off his shoes. "I don't, my parents do until I finished university," Harry explained leading the blonde boy into the kitchen, where he opened the freezer and took out two pizzas.

"Really? Just like that?"

"Yes, they have a pang of really bad guilt because they were at work all day so they always bought me everything I wanted, including-" Harry opened the oven and carried on talking as he had successfully put the pizza on one of the metal plates. "this house." He turned around, Niall was leaning at the counter where, well where Louis had fucked him to get it to the point.

Oh, god please make those thoughts stop. Every time Harry entered the kitchen or saw Louis exit the house he got 'flashbacks' and couldn't stop thinking about how fucking good he was and... what was wrong with him. Harry didn't recognise himself, usually, he wouldn't do something like that.

Never in a million years. "What?" Nialls voice ripped him out of his head, he had gotten himself some a coke and now eyed Harry confused, one eyebrow risen. "Nothing I was just in my thoughts again," He cleared his throat, Niall pushed away from the counter and headed to the living room. "Must be someone interesting, you are blushing" he mumbled.

"I'm not, it's from the heat of the oven," That sounded way more convincing in his head. Whatever he picked up his bag from the chair and followed Niall.


After hours of not studying but talking about their lives, Harry noticed how much he and Niall had in common, they could become really good friends. He had told him everything about his family and how dorky they were (something Harry had already thought because of the way Niall was, he had to have it from someone) what led to Harry telling him weird stories about his own family.

That again led to other random stories from their childhood. "... and then the dog almost attacked me." Harry laughed and sat up, he took the empty plates and brought them to the sink, "But why were you stealing his bites in the first place?"

"It was a bet. At least I got 5£ for it." The lad shrugged from the doorframe. Harry raised his eyebrows amused as he imagined a mini version of Niall running away from a dog for 5£. "Anyways, I need to go now I have an important appointment tomorrow." It had been really fun with him. "We need to repeat that someday."

Chelsea boots and cigarettesWhere stories live. Discover now