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"We need to find it," Harry said hysterically, he couldn't believe it. Harry couldn't believe that they had been so stupid and forgot about the video surveillance system. They could be glad that it was weekend, but one thing was for sure this video must be eliminated before Monday. "We need to find, and then we need to burn it."

"Calm down curly, we don't even know if the cameras are working." Harry stopped walking up and down, a cold water drop fell onto his cheekbone, from his still-wet hair. He had taken shower as soon as they got back because, well, he was still leaking. "Yes. They are."

One of the advantages to be the son of the professors' wife's best friend, which was Anne. It made the whole situation even worse because if professor Davies sees the video Anne will know about it, there was no way around that. "How do you know?"

"I helped install them," Harry answered massaging his temples. How could he have been so stupid?? "It's not funny. They have a sex tape of us!"

"At least now they know what good sex looks like, professor Davies doesn't look like he ever experienced it." Louis laughed.

"Louis!!" Harry hissed angrily, how could Louis take this so easily?

"Do you think this is a joke??" He asked about to fall onto the couch next to Louis but then remembered how fucking hurtful that would be.

"Okay, chill. We will go and get it."

"And how?"

"I dont know, we have to steal it."

"You wanna break into the uni??" Harry frowned, probably the only way. Louis got up and took something jingling out of his pocket.

"I mean... I have the keys so it's not exactly breaking in." He smiled. Right, Harry forgot. Only shortly after they sat in Louis' car driving back. Hopefully, the janitor wasn't there anymore. After they had found the camera Harry insisted to go and check the office but for some reason, the janitor was cleaning the halls, which was why they decided to drive home.

It was dark and fucking cold. "C-can you please hurry?" Harry hissed through clattering teeth from the cold. Louis stopped his movement and turned to Harry. "Do you wanna do it?"

"No," Harry wouldn't want to be the one responsible for breaking in. "I thought so, I need to be quiet Haz." He said and turned the key once more, slowly and quietly. A little click sound appeared before he pushed the door open for Harry to go in first, who rushed into the warm hall. It wasn't as dark as it should be. That meant Mister Jordans (the janitor) must be still there, somewhere in those halls.

Louis closed the door as quiet as possible. They walked up the hall, sneaking their heads around the corner to see if it was safe. Louis nodded and Harry followed him, why had the office to be on the other side of the school? They were on the second floor now and it had been far too quiet for Harry's liking.

"Shh,-" Harry put his index finger on his lips and stopped Louis from passing as he heard approaching footsteps. "He's here." Hary felt like he was in a horror movie like 'don’t breath' or something. His heartbeat rose and adrenaline sped into his veins the closer the steps got.

"I've got an idea, follow me," the older whispered, dragging Harry into the direction the steps were coming from. There was an open room and a small cart with a few cleaning items. They had to pass it, down the hall was the office and there was only this one way.

"Are you ready?" Louis nodded in the direction of the office. No, Harry nodded. Louis pulled him by his hand and crept to the door, so close he could see through the gap. Harry didn't dare to breathe, Louis seemed to find this whole thing kind of exciting.

Harry sneaked a look into the room too as he saw Louis trying his best not to laugh. Through the corner of his eye he saw Mister Jordans, he was wearing headphones and moving his hips very passionate to the beat as he moped the floor. It took Harry's whole self-control to not burst out laughing. Looking into Louis's face made it even worse, for both of them.

Harry covered his mouth and nose with his hand hoping that no squeaking sound could escape. "Run,“ he choked out laughing into his palm with a thick layer of tears in his eyes. The two men ran down the hall as fast as they could and only allowed themselves to gasp for air as the door was closed.

"That was close." Harry only scoffed in response, he wasn't able to form a sentence, he ran out of breath and needed a few seconds to catch it. And his iron deficiency showed again, shit, he should start taking iron supplement pills again.

Also, running wasn't the best thing to do with an arse as sore as Harry's. "Shit, it's secured." Louis cursed, trying some combinations on the keyboard. Harry knew the password once but he couldn't remember. Louis tried a few more times while Harry followed every step Mister Jordans did with his eyes.

As he was standing there, clasping the door handle with his sweaty palm, he realised what they were actually doing and laughed. He never thought that he would find himself in a situation like this. "Only three more tries, fuck." Harry leaned down next to the man. "Let me try." He pushed Louis aside and took place in the huge comfortable armchair.

Why do students have to sit in such uncomfortable wood and metal chair while the director was able to offer an armchair that was definitely not cheap? His fingers twitched above the keys, he knew the password. 'Come on Harry, you know it, remember'. Harry squeezed his eyes shut taking a moment and went through everything he saw and noted as he helped Professor Davies with the computer.

It was ages ago and the pressure that they were in the head office in the middle of the night, trying to delete a sex tape so it wouldn't ruin their life made it even harder to remember. And then there was Louis who didn't stop telling him to hurry. Suddenly he remembered a detail as he spotted a framed picture of professor Davies and his daughters.

What was her name again? Alexa? Amy? Ava? Shit. It started with an A Harry was sure, a hundred percent. "Harry!" Harry's eyes skipped up to meet Louis', he was still at the door. "He's getting closer." Harry's heartbeat up to his throat, he started typing the names. False, shit. The second one was also false.

Come on, come on, come on oh my god, Anna! Harry remembered as he typed it in and it worked. "Yes!" he hissed and jumped up slightly, it made Louis chuckle a bit. Harry opened the files and searched for the recordings. He was just about to plug the USB stick in. "Fucking shit." Louis stepped back from the door. "What?"

"Shut the computer down. Now."

"I almost have it," Harry complained but Louis already turned it off, and pulled Harry under the table, covering his mouth with his warm palm. "Sh." Harry's breath dropped as the door opened with a squeak. Fuck. Harry leaned against Louis' chest feeling his arms around him as the steps approached. He breathed as quiet as possible, feeling Louis' breath in his hair.

"Weird, I thought I heard something." The man spoke to himself, the music hearable through the headphones. It was such a sharp tension, Harry's heartbeat fastened incredibly, and it only slowed down seconds after the door shut again and the steps got quieter. Louis slowly removed his hand from Harry's face. "I think he's gone." He whispered, next to Harry's ear bringing him to shiver.

The two got up, "Shit that was close." He whispered, still not daring to use his voice. "Yes, yes it was." Louis sighed relieved. Harry sat back down and deleted the recording of the whole day.

"Why the USB stick? Do you have anything else to do with the video?" Louis smirked with only one corner of his lips. Harry sighed. "No, I dubbed the recording with an older one so that there are no gaps."

"I didn't know you were such a nerd." Louis joked as Harry turned off the computer and unplugged the stick, then he put everything back into its previous place and followed Louis to the door. They waited until the light in the halls switched off and the steps got quieter. "Okay," Louis confirmed wanting to open the door but instead, he bumped into it.

"No." He pushed the door handle a few more times down but nothing happened. Harry's eyes widened. "Lou, please don't tell me we're stuck here."

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