Chapter 1

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It's a Saturday night around 11pm, I think. I can't tell for sure, considering my phone died about an hour ago and everyone here is either too drunk to tell the time or just doesn't give a fuck to answer my question. I knew it was a bad idea to come to this party but Kat can be so persuasive at times.

Now that she left with her boyfriend, I was at a stranger's house, with no way of calling an Uber. 

I guess there's only one way now. Well I mean there was probably another way but I couldn't think straight. So I stole Andrew's phone while he was downing another can of beer. Jocks I thought as I rolled my eyes. As I walked away trying to find a quiet space, I noticed the walls slowly spinning a little. I'm guessing it has something to do with the now empty bottle of vodka in the kitchen.

I walked out onto the porch and started looking for an Uber. After I got one not too far away I went back inside to give Andrew his phone back. "Hey, you left this in the kitchen." I said holding out his phone. "Ah! Thanks Ally!" he said taking the phone. Drunk people are so gullible, I thought to myself. I walked outside and stood on the sidewalk, waiting for my Uber. Yeah I know, I was practically begging to be kidnapped or murdered or something tragic, but I was drunk, okay.

My Uber arrived and I was relieved to find a girl behind the wheel. "Uber for Ally?" she asked politely. I confirmed and climbed into the backseat calmly. We talked a little but I honestly can't remember anything we said to each other.

When we got to my house I hopped out, paid her and said goodbye. I walked up my driveway and opened the front door, not bothering to be quiet since I already saw that the kitchen light was on. "Hey mom." I said, knowing she was waiting for a detailed story time. "Hey hun, how much did you drink?" "Just a bottle of vodka" I said. I took my shoes off of my very sore feet and headed into the kitchen. 

"Oooooh, the walls are spinning aren't they?" she asked as I sat down at the kitchen counter. "You have no idea." I said putting my head in my hands. My mom had her long, charcoal hair in a messy bun with her reading glasses on as she sat, legs crossed, on the counter reading another romance novel. "Oh no, trust me I do." she said without looking up from her book.

"Mommy!" we heard my little sister's hysterical voice calling out. "Lara, why are you up, what's wrong?" my mom called back, closing her book and putting it on the counter. Lara walked into the kitchen as my mom slid off the counter. She gave me a quick glance and then rushed to my mom who was crouched down to her level. My mom took Lara's little hands in each of her own and looked into her eyes. "Sweetie, look at me. Tell me what's going on." she said in a kind, soft voice. Lara looked into my mother's green-grey eyes and started calming down. "I had a bad dream, and Ally was dead and pregant, so now the baby was also dead and-" "Ooooookay." my mom said, a bit concerned. "Well first honey, the word is pregnant not 'pregant' and secondly, there you can see Ally is neither dead nor pregnant. Does that make you feel better?"

She looked at me examining me from head to toe and nodded her head. "Okay, good now why don't you go tell Ally 'goodnight' and then we go put you back to sleep, does that sound okay?" "Yeah." she said calmly. My mom smiled at her and let go of her hands, she smiled at my mom and walked towards me. I got down from my chair slowly, trying not to fall over, I wrapped my arms around her body and squeezed her to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, whispered goodnight and walked back to my mom.

My mom stood up and grabbed her hand, they walked out the kitchen door and headed towards the stairs. I stood up slowly and leaned against the counter, I heard little footsteps running toward me and I looked up just in time to see Lara peek around the kitchen doorway. "I forgot to say, don't get pregant!" she said a little out of breath and ran back towards the stairs. I heard my mom laughing and I laughed a little myself. "Atta girl, Lara!" my mom praised her as I heard them share a high five.

I shook my head and headed toward the refrigerator.

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