Chapter 13

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Kyle and I sat at the kitchen island for a long time, getting caught up on each other's lives. I found out that Kyle only had a year of his veterinary studies left and then he could join a practice or start his own, he's not sure which one he'll do yet. And I told him about Grey and how together he, Kat and Arrow were ruining what was supposed to be MY year, the year I was going to take every chance and make my own opportunities. 

All together I think each of us drank around 5 cups of hot chocolate by the time he finally left. We stood outside by his car and talked a few moments longer and he gave me new insight. "Hey Als, just keep in mind that you're the independent one, you don't need them. In fact, that's what's always scared me a little about you. You never needed anyone, you always did things yourself. I remember once when you were around 10, we were all here at the lakehouse and you wanted to go for a walk in the woods. No one wanted to walk with you so you just headed off by yourself, your parents were really panicked but then you showed back up at the house an hour later with a pinecone almost the size of your head." Both of us laughed at the memory and I smiled a grateful smile to him. "Well, I should get going. I've been here half the day and I know whoever was here last night is probably dying to come back." he said with a smirk.

My mouth fell open and I stared at my cousin. "How.. How?" is all I could manage to say. "Girls don't leave the toilet seat up Als, plus that is not your hoodie." I let out a defeated sigh and he laughed. We said our goodbyes and he left. I checked my watch and saw that it was some time after 2pm. I walked inside and grabbed my phone from the counter, I pretended not to notice any of the messages or missed calls from three of my least favourite people at the moment, I went to text Oliver but I realised I never took his number. How am I gonna let him know Kyle's gone now? I thought. I decided to watch a movie and go for a sunset swim later, then he'll know.

About three quarters through the movie I heard the Door behind me open, I froze looking for a weapon to throw at the intruder. "Still leaving your doors unlocked, Gracie? Didn't we talk about that?" I breathed a sigh of relief hearing Ollie's voice. "I guess I didn't listen. How'd you know Kyle was gone?" I asked as I got up from the couch and walked over to him. "I saw his car wasn't in the driveway anymore." He stated with a smile. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he wrapped his around my shoulders.

"My movie is almost finished. Do you wanna watch the last bit with me and then we can find something to do?" I wondered. "Yeah, of course." We got under the blanket on the couch and cuddled through the last few minutes of To All The Boys I've Loved Before.

After the movie we dug through my family's entertainment cabinet and decided to play some corrupt, twisted version of Monopoly. Soon enough I brought out the bottle of vodka that Kyle bought me and we were having the best time. There where little monopoly houses and hotels all over the floor and Ollie and I were both wearing sunglasses and acting like we were gambling in Vegas. My stomach hurt from laughing so much and I was practically rolling on the floor. We were tipsily singing along to the music that I was playing on the tv and stealing kisses in between.

But if course the universe couldn't bear to see me happy and the next moment 3 A-grade assholes were barging through the kitchen door.

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