Chapter 12

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A/N: short chappy, but the next one will be published soon, enjoy!!♡

"Hey Kyles," I said as I opened the door for him. "How've you been Als?" he asked as we hugged. "Uhm, busy but good, you?" "Good good." I led him into the kitchen and he placed 2 grocery bags on the counter. "I know you only asked for puppy food but luckily I know you well cuzzy." He unpacked the grocery bags and placed the things on the counter. I walked closer to examine the items.

"Mm let's see, two bags of puppy food, a six pack of energy drinks, two tubs of ice cream, hair ties and... Oooo what's this?" I picked up the bottle from the counter and examined it. "A bottle of strawberry flavoured vodka?" I asked surprised. "Yeah, I called my dear aunt Lola last night and we talked a little about why you're really here," he said with a soft smile. I just looked down and stared at the bottle in my hands. "So," he said making me look back up at him. "I figured with all that going on, whatever anti-depro juice you had packed for the weekend would be empty by now. Plus I know you struggle to find strawberry vodka in Yseltree and I happened to see some." "You're the best." I smiled and went over to hug him.

"Now, where is the puppy you stole?" he asked with a mischievous grin and I laughed. "Puppies, actually," I said and I started walking down the hall with Kyle right behind me. "They're right over there," I said pointing into the bedroom. Kyle walked over to the box on the floor and the moment he saw them I heard an "aww". "Cute huh?" "Where'd you get them?" He asked standing up with a puppy under each arm. "I found them in the woods yesterday when I got here." I said walking over to Kyle and my puppies. "Have they got names yet?" he asked, eyes still glued to the pups. "Not officially I wanted to hear what you thought, but I think it matches my vibe." I said. "So you're keeping both?" he asked a little disappointed. "Yeah I am." "Well, let me hear their names." "I'm thinking, Vodka for the little girl and Vegas for the boy."

"I love it, it matches together and it matches you." He said after he thought about it for a little. "Does your mom know?" "No not yet," I said with a laugh. "Well, goodluck with that then," he said as he put Vodka and Vegas down.

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