Chapter 5

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The next morning when Kat and I got to school, Grey was waiting at the school doors for me and the three of us walked in together. Eventually Kat had to leave us, since we have different classes but Grey and I had the exact same schedules so I never walked the hallways alone.

As Grey and I sat in first period waiting for the class to start, I let my mind wander. I realized that Daniel hadn't greeted Kat like he did every morning. Strange, I thought. About halfway through first period I felt my phone vibrate. We had been assigned work so our teacher was doing his own thing at his desk, this meant I could check my phone without getting caught. I opened my phone to see a text:

Kat ;) : SOS bathroom 3

Kat and I had 'numbered' the bathrooms so we wouldn't get confused on where to meet.

I knew this was important because Kat and I only used SOS in very important situations. I looked at Grey, who was looking at me questioningly, with a serious face. I placed my hand over my nose and called to the teacher, "Sir, My nose is bleeding, can I go to the nurse?" He let me go without any questions and I packed my stuff and left. When I got in the hallway Grey was right next to me. I looked at him with questioning eyes. "Told him I was gonna make sure you got to the nurses office." I smiled slightly, as we walked down the hallway. When we stopped outside the restroom I realized that him being a guy was a problem. "Kat, is there anyone else in there?" I whispered into the room. "No," she replied.

I pushed Grey into the bathroom despite his protests. "Shush and hurry it up!" I told him and I locked the door behind us. When we got inside I saw Kat sitting on the counter with tissues everywhere and her mascara completely ruined, she was crying.

I rushed over to her and instinctively wrapped my arms around her. She sobbed into my shoulder and then realized that Grey was there. She laughed a little, "Als, what's Grey doing here?" I pulled away and smiled at her, "He saw my face when I got your message and decided to follow me." She smiled at him and then let her head rest on my shoulder again. "He's really sweet, isn't he?" "Yeah," I said feeling a little blush crawl onto my cheeks.

I pulled back from her with my hands on either side of her face. "Now tell me what's wrong," I said. She looked away from me and let her head fall. "I caught him, in Mrs Greene's class. Shirtless with Caitlyn." She looked into my eyes again and I could feel her hurt. However I had no time to console anymore, my blood was boiling. Before I could help it I was out the bathroom door stomping down the hall. I walked to Mrs Atkinson's class where I knew he was for first period. I knocked on the door and talked to Mrs Atkinson, "So sorry to bother you ma'am, but Mr Charles would like to see Daniel Rich." "Mr Rich please go with this young lady." He looked absolutely petrified but packed up his stuff and followed me out nonetheless.

We walked about three feet when I turned around to face him, he froze and stared at me with wide eyes. "You absolute piece of shit." He didn't have time to reply as my fist hit his jaw. He lost his balance and fell to the floor, a second later I was on top of him. I kept punching as I clenched my jaw. Suddenly I was lifted off him and held about a foot off the ground, I struggled against the grip but it didn't loosen at all. The person shifted my body so I was cradled in their arms and I realized it was Grey. I made eye contact with a badly bruised Daniel and made a zip motion over my mouth to tell him to shut up about this or else, as Grey quickly walked away with me still in his arms. 

"You can put me down now." I said in a monotone voice. "How do I know you're not just gonna run after him and beat him up again?" He asked, looking straight ahead. "You don't." I said after a moment of silence. He carried me all the way back to the bathroom where Kat was, he closed the door just in time as the bell rang. He put me down and stood between the door and I so my possible plans of escaping were destroyed. Kat rushed over to me and took my hands, "Ally look at your hands!!" I looked to my hands and then to her. "I've done worse." I said with a laugh.

She just shook her head and hugged me tightly. "Let's escape prison, whatcha say?" I ask and she nods her head in agreement. I walked to Grey who was still standing in front of the door with folded arms. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he hugged me too. "Thank you for stopping me, I don't know what I would've done--" "Hey, it's okay." he said as he pushed away and looked me in the eyes. I smiled at him and then looked back at Kat, she was smirking. "Wanna join us?" I asked Grey, who was looking over my head at Kat. "Sure, why not?" He said smiling.

We waited until the late bell rang and then we snuck out of the bathroom. Kat and I went our usual way by going around the track field and through the trees to the parking lot. I threw my keys to Kat and she climbed into the driver side, I went with Grey to his car so I could tell him how to get out without getting caught. When we got to his car I froze, it was my dream car. "You drive a Porsche Cayenne GTS?" I almost yelled. He smirked, "You like?" "Yes I Like! It's literally my dream car!" I replied like it was obvious.

He smiled at me and then to my surprise he threw me the keys. I looked at him in complete shock and his smile widened. "You drive." he said, walking to the passenger door. I walked to the drivers-door and got in with the biggest smile on my face. I turned the key in the ignition and the car purred to life, I adjusted the seat and the mirrors and placed my hands on the steering wheel. "Go ahead," he said reassuringly. I put the car in gear and followed my usual sneaky route out.

Sorry, I Already Told My Momحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن