Chapter 14

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"What the fuck-" Greyson said locking eyes with mine. "Funny," I spat "I was just about to say the say the same thing." I started walking toward my best friends and my brother when I felt Oliver grab my arm. "Gracie what's going on? Who are these people?" he asked with confusion written all over his features.

"This," I spat gesturing to Greyson, "is my supposed best friend who never has time for me until I decide to do something actually good for my mental health and take a break from them all. Then he decides to spoil my fun." I tear away from his gentle grip and walk towards my brother and Katalana. I wrap my arms around their shoulders in a fake loving gesture. "And this, my dearest Ollie, is my best friend and my brother who have been not so secretly dating and fucking behind my back. Thinking I would judge them for it and deciding to hide it from me." 

Oliver almost laughed, he knew I was dead serious but he also knew that I was definitely under alcohol's influence. I walked back over to him and went to stand under the arm he held out for me, with a smile. "Nice to meet you all." he said with a broad smile. "I'm Oliver."

"Well hi Oliver, I'm Kat, this is Greyson and this is Arrow." Kat said with a quick smile. "What do guys want?" I asked with a smile still plastered all over my face. "Arrow got Momma to mention why you're really here and we wanted to make sure you were alright, which it looks like you are." Kat said carefully. "Ally can we all talk to you alone for a sec?" Greyson spoke up.

I stared up at Ollie for a second and he raised an eyebrow at me so I just smiled. "Nooooo, thank you." My words were a little slurry but I had no care in the world. "And I don't really want you guys here, so if that'll be all you can get back to your awesome, busy little lives now because I am just fine where I am." Oliver looked down at me softly. "Gracie, are you sure you don't want to at least hear them out before you chase them off with your cute rudeness."

My brother finally broke his silence and spoke up, "Ally, do you even know this man?" "It speaks," I said with a laugh," And yeah, I do know him, He's my Ollie. He's nice, he makes time for me and he prefers to call me Gracie instead of Ally." "Awww, Gracie you're really drunk." Oliver laughed. "And also," I added. "It doesn't bother him that I'm mean." A thick, tangible silence fell over everyone. I stared at my traitors and they stared between my new lover and I.

"Ally, I really think we should just talk this out," my brother shattered the silence. I could feel my rage seep through to my words and actions but I wasn't stopping it. "Talk?" I almost shouted as I walked past Greyson to stand in front of Arrow. "I TRIED to 'talk' and you know what happened? I heard those sickeningly familiar words, 'Sorry Als, I'm busy' and you'd always assure me that we would talk later. All of you did!" I stepped back to look at Kat and Greyson too as I said those last words. "But," I inhaled to attempt to calm my slipping anger. "ya'll were always busy and we never talked. And then I decided to take a break from this infuriating maze that is my life and just go away for a little weekend. But I couldn't even have that because you stay away when needed and barge back in the moment I least want to deal with any of you." I turned back to Oliver and forced a smile. "So, no thank you. I do not want to talk." I said sweetly, my back still towards them. "And I really... REALLY don't want you people here right now so I would appreciate it," I finally turned back to face them. "If you would kindly fuck off."

"Ally, I know you're mad and hurt right now..." Kat attempted. "Dearest Kat, 'mad and hurt' does not even BEGIN to summarize my feelings towards you." "Ally, I understand that, but we're your friends. We never meant to hurt you." Kat said with great care. "And yet here we are," I said cocking my head to the side. "Now, LEAVE Katalana. do you want me to write the words 'I don't want you here' on the walls for you to get the message?" I spat.

Kat stood a few more seconds and I could see tears flowing from her heart into her eyes and then... she walked out. Greyson followed quickly but Arrow stayed standing a little longer. "I'm sorry, sis." He showed his pain in his words and then he also crossed the threshold and they were gone.

I stayed frozen until I heard the car drive away. And with all the heavy in my heart causing my feet to struggle, I stumbled into Ollie and the tears crashed. The sobs echoed and the remnants of my broken heart stayed behind on Ollie shirt in the form of wet tear stains.

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