Chapter 7

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"No, you know what, Greyson? Fuck off, I don't want to hear shit from you!" I yelled into the phone. "Ally, please just hear me out-," he pleaded from the other side. "Apologies don't change anything and what you did is disgusting. So, fuck you and fuck your stupid friends Greyson Ramirez. We are done." I hung up the phone and looked to my best friend.

"I'm sorry, it went this way. You deserve better," Kat told me as the tears threatened to slip from my eyes. I quickly wiped the tears before they could fall and replied, "It's okay, it's not your fault."

You're probably wondering what the fuck just happened, well I guess I just experienced the most painful betrayal in my life. And from someone I thought would never hurt me.

Here's how it went down: 

Kat, Greyson and I were always together, ditching school, going for late night drives and exploring abandoned places. Kat and I were running a new club for dancers at school and Grey decided to join the kickboxing team. Everything was going perfect, this was shaping up to be the most perfect year of my life and I thought that nothing could bring me down.

Grey and I were becoming a little more than friends, not enough that it could be labeled but enough so to frustrate me. I hated not knowing where we stood and he was giving me mixed signals. Kat and I talked about it often.

Meanwhile Kat thought I didn't notice her and Arrow getting closer but I'm good at playing dumb. I don't have a problem with them possibly starting a romantic relationship, I know that if anything happened between them, they would never drag me into it. I never asked about it though, if they wanted me to know, they would have told me.

Mom and I were having a lot of late nights discussing everything, even the spark between my best friend and my brother that we definitely knew nothing about. I pretended not to notice the weight my mom put on suddenly (it's rude to ask you know). And she acted like she didn't notice the missing liquor bottles.

I don't have any healthy coping mechanisms so I tend to go for liquor or exercise, now I know you're thinking that exercise is a healthy coping mechanism. Though I agree, the way I exercise isn't healthy mentally nor physically. I like to run and punch and do pushups and situps but I take it too far. I push myself to the point where I throw up, my knuckles are bruised and my body feels too heavy to move. So I tend to exercise alone.

The dance club Kat and I started was a lot of fun we had a lot of girls and a few boys and we made turns each week for every member to choreograph a dance and teach it to the rest. We had different dance styles so it was always a challenge, one week it could be modern and the next week breakdancing.

Grey was enjoying the kickboxing and always talked about the new friends he made there. A part of me felt a little jealous that he made new friends but that part was tiny and easy to ignore. I was really happy that he was happy.

Lara came to mom and I one afternoon and officially declared Mathew, Grey's little brother, her best friend. "Matty and I are best friends now, because he plays in the mud with me and Jackie and the other kids don't want to." You'd think she'd say Jackie, Kat's little sister, was her best friend but truth be told, she saw jackie as a sister because like Kat and I, they were basically raised together.

One day I suddenly realized that I was getting lonelier by the day. Kat and Arrow were hanging out a lot and Grey and his kickboxing friends were almost always together. I spent more time with my headphones and fitness equipment than with actual human beings. The three of us still sat together at lunch but we were now joined by Arrow, two of his friends and two of Grey's new friends (one being a girl) so I barely got a word in. I liked Grey's new female friend, Abbigail, she was kind but rough and adventurous. Her long blonde hair was in a neat bun most of the time and I never saw her wearing any makeup.

I started building a friendship with one of the guys from dance group, Christian. He was sweet and always invited me to parties which I always declined politely. I didn't feel like hanging out with a bunch of sweaty people, besides I had better alcohol at home.

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