Chapter 4

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"I'm serious, mom. That boy is gorgeous!" I say to my mom as she sits on the counter, as usual, and she was sipping her Vodka Cran carefully. "She's not wrong, momma. That boy is seriously something for the eye." Kat confirmed to my mom.

We heard the front door open and then my dad greeting my mom. "Hey honey, I'm home!" My mom's face immediately turned to one of panic. See she and my dad promised each other that one wouldn't drink if the other wasn't with them, when they were in high school. I'm pretty sure it's because my mom would've had liver failure before 20 if they didn't make that promise.

"Shit!" She said in a whispered yell. "Ally, switch me!" She slid her glass towards me and I slid mine to her. Dad wouldn't know because I was drinking cranberry syrup with sprite so they looked almost identical. "We're in here, baby!" She yelled to my dad. He walked into the kitchen and paused when he saw the red drink in her hand. "Aloe Georgia Dutch that better not be a Vodka-Cran in your hand." My dad warned. My mom laughed and smiled to my dad. "Of course not baby, I was just drinking the cranberry syrup and sprite that Ally always goes on about." My dad's jaw unclenched a little but he still didn't move. My mom saw this and jumped down from the counter without spilling a drop and walked to my dad. "Here, have a taste, it's actually quite good." She held the glass to him and he took a sip. My dad looked guilty and started apologizing, "Oh, I'm sorry it just looks exactly like-" "It's okay, don't worry." My mom interrupted with a satin smile. My dad smiled back and walked out of the kitchen.

My mom looks at Kat and I with relief and Kat just Giggles. "Okay, so since I just lied to my dad about my mom drinking. My mom is gonna let me take this glass of spicy juice and drink the rest of it or I'm telling dad." I say without batting an eyelash. My mom looks stunned but then she smirks. "You are so my daughter." I smile and down the glass. "As much as I love hanging out with you mums, me and Kat are gonna go see if the new neighbours have a son." I say as I get up. I walk to my mother, kiss her cheek and walk up to my room. I don't even have to look to know that Kat did exactly the same.


Kat's mom left her, her dad and little sister behind when we were about 10. She just packed up one night and left only leaving a note behind and no-one has seen her or heard from her since then. Her dad and my dad have been best friends since high school and our moms became close when Kat's mom and dad got married. So Kat and I were basically raised as sisters, we called each others mom "momma" and we'd have a sleepover almost every weekend since we could remember.

When we were about 13 our families had one of our monthly dinners and Kat said that she had something to announce. She stood up at the table and told us all that the woman who gave birth to her would no longer be considered her mother but that least she still had a mom, which was my mom. Of course she was in tears and so was my mom, who never cries. So my mother sees and treats Kat as her own daughter. And the three of us tell each other EVERYTHING.


When Kat and I got to my room we climbed into the windowsill and looked at the new neighbours' house and waited to see even the slightest glimpse of them. We got bored and went to lay down on my bed. "Dude, I want this week to be over already and it's only Monday." Kat complained. "Girl same." I agreed.

There was a comfortable silence and we were just calm for a moment. Then I had a great idea. "Hey! Let's take the new neighbours some of the cookies we made yesterday!" I said so suddenly that Kat jumped a little. "Ooooo, good idea! Then we can scope out their kids." Kat said after a moment of thought.

We got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. We grabbed a plate from the cupboard and put some cookies on it. We placed each cookie strategically so they look homey but neat. Then we walked to the front door. "Mom!" I yelled into the house. "We're gonna go bribe the neighbours with cookies so we can see their children." "You're gonna what??!!" We heard my dad yell. "Okay baby, tell me about it later!!" We walked out the front door as we heard my dad walking toward us. We rushed out of the house and then calmly walked up to the neighbour's front door.

We knocked on the door and a few seconds later we heard a woman calling "I'm on my way!" From inside the house. Then she opened the door with a smile. "Oh hi!" She said. "Hi, we're uhm, from next door and we just wanted to welcome your family to the neighbourhood." I say as I look at the lady in front of me. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had fiery auburn hair with stunning blue eyes against her pale skin. Somehow she looked familiar but I knew I'd never seen her before.

"Well that's dear of you!" she said with a kind smile and I heard a slight southern accent. "Come in, come in!" she called opening the front door completely and motioning for us to follow her. We walked in behind her and Kat closed the door behind us. She led us into the kitchen and I placed the plate of cookies on the counter.

"Kids!" she called through the house. "Booties down here, we have guests!" I smiled at her way of calling her children, I'm pretty sure she and my mom would get along great. She turned her attention back to Kat and I. "So, what are your names, ladies?" she asked with bright eyes. "Oh, how rude of me, I'm Alora Dutch but you can call me Ally." I said holding my hand for her to shake. She pulled me closer however and hugged me tightly. "And you?" she asked Kat as she let go of me. "I'm Katalana Bright ma'am but you  can call me Kat." Kat said also getting a hug. 

"Well it is good to meet you girls. I'm Meghan, Meghan Ramirez." she introduced herself. "It's so nice to meet you Mrs Ramirez." I said with a smile. Just then we heard footsteps in the hallway and a little boy, about Lara's age, appeared in the doorway. "Hi, I'm Mathew Ramirez and I'm six." he stated confidently. "Well done, Matty! This is Ally and Kat." Mrs Ramirez told him gently pointing to us. "Hi." Kat and I said with smiles, he smiled back and waved excitedly. So cute! I thought to myself.

"Okay, Matt, you can go play some more if you'd like." Mrs Ramirez said nodding to him. He ran off into the house and we heard a heavier set of footsteps approaching. "Sorry mom, I was doing my homework..." a male voice said as the figure entered the room. "Ally." he said with a smile. "Grey." I replied also smiling. "Kat!" Katalana said as she threw her hands in the air with a smile. All of us laughed and I just shook my head at my best friend.

"You know each other then?" Grey's mom said looking between Grey and I. "Yeah, we met at school today." Grey replied to his mom. "OH!" Mrs Ramirez said with realisation in her eyes. "She's the girl you've been talking about since you got home!!" I swear I saw her eyes get brighter, though I don't think it's possible for those stunning blue eyes to get any brighter. "Mooooommmm!" Greyson said giving his mom a stern look. "So, this is my best friend, Katalana but just call her Kat." I said breaking the silence. "Nice to meet you, Kat." he said shaking her hand.

"Well unfortunately, my husband isn't home right now but we should have dinner here this Saturday, then we can get to know each other's families and maybe I can make some friends too." she said with a kind smile. "Sounds good. Kat and I have to get going now." I said looking at Grey. "We'll see you on Saturday, Mrs Ramirez. See you tomorrow Grey." and with that Kat and I headed back to my house.

"I bet momma is sitting on the counter, waiting for this story." Kat said with a laugh. "Yeah, You're right." I agree. We both giggle and walk through my front door. "Hey girls, how was it?" we heard her call from the kitchen. Kat and I smiled to each other and headed to the Kitchen.

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